Hey night crew.

Thanks. I have spent many boring years at a dead end job with nothing better to do but polish up my MS Paint skills.

holy crap, that was wierd…guess the shark eating the pilot is covered LOL.

next a mongoose fighting a snake

wow did not expect anything like this…awesome…

and the the last drawing…do i see sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads…hahah awesome

haha i added sharks in the helicopter crashing for the hell of it, played out pretty well for me though

and bees coming out of its mouth.:loopie:

sharks with laser beams on heads is the best…i would love to see drawing of Dr. Evil haha. anyone

i know i dint draw the last one but oh well.fbodymadnezz do u approve?

draw the mongoose fight then you can see dr evil :wink:

this one should make you guys laugh… when i saw the word mongoose i had to its what came up in my head…

the snake looks like a giant dong.

but w/e whats new topic

i can’t spell d@mn it i for got the other “o” in mongoose, next a bear eating a child

we should do what the day crew does and take pics of random stuff much more fun… but on with the bear eating the child :slight_smile:



glad to see you morons still don’t have your flow going :tup:

this is the suck

CKY passed the rorschach test. :wink:

I read this thread at approximately 4am, hammered, and still thought :picard:

What the fuck is that. :rofl:

post picture, choose next subject, repeat