Hey, Pittspeed, Its Me!

what up. thanks for having me. i have been meaning to join on here for while so here i am. i am a member on honda-tech, and most of my dealings with selling and buying are mostly on that site. i know a couple of heads on here so big up to them, and im sure that ill be meeting more of yous guys/gals soon.

  i have a TON of stuff that i need to sell by spring time, as you will soon see in my upcomming F.S. thread.  just as well, i am always buying stuff for my rides. i am a proclaimed wheel whore.  so LMK, i am steady looking for new wheels. blah,blah,car parts,blah. 

 i also am into keeping aquatic life.( i know i am such a nerd)  Fish, inverts, plants,  mostly biotopes.  also into botany, mostly tropical airplants, ferns, orchids, and the like.  

 my rides that i actually drive are as follows,

98 ej6 auto:bowrofl:
91 da? cpe. that my dad has right now.
99 cf v6 actually i just push it around now and then being that its my moms
98 ej8 sohc bolt on bandit N/A , sohc is not dead!

 i need to drive my wagon, but we will see how that goes, its me bitch, but i dont want to talk it up til i actually street it. it will be out this spring , i promise!:bluez28: 

 ok im done.  im going to :beer:


It’s about frick’n time :hsdance: This really is a good place to make some new connections and dip into the pgh car scene. See ya at work wednesday. Merry Christmas!

P.S. better get some boost on one of those beasts, or atleast a bit of some giggly gas before hitting the streets!


welcome… might want to refraise those body styles… you know something thats not written in honda so others may understand.





any pics


welcome, i’m pleased to see a good noob post for once.








thanks for all the warm welcomes! merry christmas.