Hi, plz read me, k thanks. PS. Free hoodie.


The odds are definitely not in my favor, but I do have just as good of a chance as anyone else!


So, I am putting up my five posts all in a row, to enter the drawing.

My second post. I’m determined to win a free ice cream cone.

THis thread sucks

I want to win a hoody and donate it to roclife :slight_smile:

#4? That’s not a sentence! FAIL.

I guess I will make my 2nd post and point out that Sherm cannot read the simple rules on page 1.

Yea I can’t read :slight_smile:

I’ll say that 2turboZ needs a new avatar.

I will make my 3rd post and strongly disagree with Mrs. Karus.

I hate NYspeed.

Not really, but I want a shirt.

I might just buy one.

i ordered my hoodie yesterday. :tup:

is this still going on?


is this still going on?


hope so


is this still going on?



hope so


waiting 10 seconds to post is annoying


is this still going on?



hope so



waiting 10 seconds to post is annoying


all though multi-quote does make this a lot easier!