Hi, plz read me, k thanks. PS. Free hoodie.


is this still going on?



hope so



waiting 10 seconds to post is annoying



all though multi-quote does make this a lot easier!


a winner is you !

Am I too late to join?

Chino, it says to qualify, you must enter complete sentences.

Hoooray for today being friday!!

It’s almost lunch time and i’ve got god damn hiccups.

today has been rather boring at work…

I have an inny. Sometimes, when I eat a lot, it’s an outtie.

Well here’s number one.

Damn high school physics is boring…at least I have this computer to keep me entertained…i’ll save my last three posts for later…

I would like to order a hooded sweatshirt, when is the last day?

NySpeed sucks.

7 Pages and nothing good to read. This is worse than the thread about the kid with computer speakers in his back seat.

I like turtles.

My second post puts me this much closer to a free Hoddie

But if I don’t win I’m just going to buy one.


Post #3:
Today, a co-worker told me that he could not stand to have a plate of spaghetti, without having peanut butter on bread to go with it. He was serious.


no more shines, billy


I said, no more shines. Maybe you didn’t hear about it, you’ve been away a long time. They didn’t go up there and tell you. I don’t shine shoes anymore.

Relax, will ya? Ya flip right out, what’s got into you? I’m breaking your balls a little bit, that’s all. I’m only kidding with ya…

Sometimes you don’t sound like you’re kidding, you know, there’s a lotta people around…

I’m only kidding with you, we’re having a party, I just came home and I haven’t seen you in a long time and I’m breaking your balls, and you’re getting fucking fresh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you

I’m sorry too. It’s okay. No problem.

Now go home and get your fuckin’ shinebox!!


what is this from?

I hope i’m the lucky winner.

i dont understand the whole i like turtles thing either, whats that all about?

177 seems like a pretty good number, i have a good feeling about it.