Hide yo cats, hide yo dogs and ya'll better hide too

Cuz momma deer is pissed yo


that bitch got some temper

That deer would’ve had a .308 in it’s lungs and field dressed the second it touched my dog.

Wow that dog sucks

That poor dog got fuckstomped. He was submitting but the deer didn’t speak dog.


didnt know this was already posted

yea that dog got curb stomped

True. But my dog isn’t a fggt.

lol @ the cat gently touching the deer’s nose and then getting stomped.

Man, if that was my dog I would have so punched that deer right in the face

If that was my fiancé’s dog, I would have been enjoying a delicious venison dinner that evening, as he prob would have just latched on and snapped her neck like a twig. Pic for reference-


He’s a handsome devil.

Hilarious. Looked like an MMA fight after the guy catches the blind right. Awesome video.

You’d be surprised how strong a deer is. It’s all lbs per square inch. When they kick and stomp, and of that force is hitting you with a tiny hard-as-nails hoof. I wouldn’t be surprised if that dog died. Probably broke a bunch of ribs and has some serious bleeding.


It is like getting hit with a hammer. if you get hit in the head… you dead.

Stupid bitch just yelled. If that was my Blue Healer I would have unloaded on that deer.

hahaha amen to that.

and they are sharp too right?
if that was my do i wanna say id spear tackle the deer…but im sure id get stomped too
check it out…old video but ouch

rotfl…for the guys who said theyd shoot that…i hope your better then this guy bahahaha

i’m really stressed out now. shoulda been a warning or something. :frowning: poor pussy dog.

Seriously if that was my dog and I didn’t have a gun on me I’d be tackling that deer. Poor dog didn’t have any idea what was coming. I wish I had a burly dog…maybe when I move into the sticks I’ll get a monster.

EDIT: If I saw that happen I’d hit the deer regardless if the dog was mine or not. Poor pup.