me and the dog almost got our ass's kicked

I just got back from taking the dog for a walk, as im coming down my street some crazy ass deer runs past us, stops, then starts stomping and its foaming at the mouth…

we’ve already had a run in with a deer like this about a year ago and it tried to break the gate in my backyard to go after our beagle. ( I got some on tape ) then went after my neighbors kids

anyways, we go across the street and try to stay away from it. I thought it would just go away but it kept an eye on us and started walking down the hill toward us then charged. we ran in between two houses to try and go behind and out the other side but it ran over to the other side of the house and met us in the back… at this point I was starting to panic a little because it kept getting closer ( about 5ft or so ) and I know it would probably kill the dog and fuck me up pretty good in the process. we went to the front again and it blocked us, went into the back and it followed from the other side. finally we just went up onto someone’s little front porch and kneeled down hopeing it would leave. finally it did.

now if someone was armed with a gun and this thing got even closer, would someone get in some shit for shooting it out of self defense?

Damn. Just damn.

Got any of the video online?


you do!

[ame=“”]YouTube - Crazy Deer[/ame]

this was a year ago when we had a run in with a deer.
taken with a camera phone so it doesnt look good. I shut it off and the deer kicked the shit out of the gate almost to the point where it would have bent off the post and opened up


Wow that’s crazy dude. I think that if you were in danger you could take it out w/o repercussion :dunno:

My middle school janitor was attacked by a deer…they said it was because he was taking out the girls room garbage and it was the odor from the “girls waste products” that set the deer off…

hahahaha jeff smells like girls waste products…

posted by the1slor
do you plan on going to war? I dont know why you would need another clip
I dont think there is a mag capacity limit in PA


when ever my dog spots a deer she ends up dragging em home. then she walks around all proud and wanting me to be happy about it. fucking bitch! i wish she wouldnt do that. it pisses my wife off, then i got to hear about that poor dear. hell im the one that gotta get rid of it. poor me, i say

wtf is all that jumbled garbage?

dont worry about it:sex:

x2 wtf? lol

and I doubt your dog drags deer home

why is that?

how the fuck can you be scared of an 80lb deer. I wish a deer had the balls to challenge me like that. I’d love to have a fight to the death with a wild animal.


god you’re a fucking pussy.

Well, the same deer went thru my neighbors gate in hit back yard again. chased his kids and hit the dog a couple times. ( Big chocolate lab ) he came out with his rifle and was going to shoot it.

police and animal control came, animal control said dont shoot it if it comes back into the yard. police said go for it :rofl:

[ame=“”]YouTube - Deer vs man[/ame]

Wow, just when I thought you could make a more useless thread. golf clap

So fucking what?

If the deer decided to stick around and battle after one of my vicious right crosses to the nose, it would be a battle to the death, and we’d all be enjoying some delicious venison. I’d would seriously love to battle a pissed off deer. Great test of man vs. wild. No rules, no boundaries, just the biological instinct to survive/kill. Fucking awesome.

What does this pussy do? Hides in his gated back yard and get his cell phone camera, to document of much of a gaping vagina he is. Lamesauce.

i would fight a deer. you need a bigger dog. my buddy had to put his pit down beacuse someone caught it on tape killing a deer. granted, it was a doe, but still a deer. anyway, those horns are weapons, they can do some damage. just sta out of the way, and stick and move. its only a deer