Hide yo kids; Hide yo wife; Arm yourselves; It has begun...


My good friend I knew since I was in diapers is black, and the coolest dude ever. hes dating a whit girl and they do that stuff all the time! The thing is he is the farthest thing from a sterotypical n. Dude has always been a solid good friend, and honestly one of the most respectful guys I know. So when I accidentally drop a “this brake sensor is n-rigged” when I was working on his car he laughs and calls me a dumb ass cracker and we LOL.

You know what, I dont feel bad for the victim so much (without knowing all the details) but when you put yourself in a situation like that, apparently this isnt the first confrontation with the assailants, you are kind of asking for it. I am a firm believer that if you keep to yourself and act respectful, there is a slimmer chance of disrespectful people fucking up your day. Dude should have figured out a smarter way to put a stop to the shit befor it even started. Most dumbass criminal scumbbags are just that, dumb… its rather easy to gain the upperhand on many situations if you just use your damn head.