High End PC, Part out

I need a laptop, so this has to go. No pictures yet, since everything is still in my case. Everything is 6 months old or so, and works perfect. If need be, warranties can be done through me as I have all the receipts and stuff somewhere around here…The used price, is what Im asking for my parts. If you want to buy multiple parts (ex, board, cpu and heatsink) feel free to shoot an offer. But otherwise the parts are fairly priced and I wont tolerate stupid lowballs. Everything will be out of the tower in about 4-5 days. I have the original box for EVERYTHING. The prices listed as “new” i subtracted the mail in rebates that newegg offered. Even though they take 3+ months to arrive. oh well.

- i7 920 - 288.99 New
Batch 3841A. Not a D0 step, but the best C step batch you can get. Only needs +.075 vcore to be 100% stable at 3.66ghz, 174bus speed. Temps never break 65c per core with the TRUE heatsink while running prime. Capable of 4.2ghz, but that needed 1.3ish vcore so I just run the 3.66 OC 24/7. Don’t use the 4.2ghz templet ever unless benching. With 4.2 ghz cores reach 78c.

Used: $220

- TRUE heatsink (not on newegg. had to special order it. Cost me $80 new) Lapped

Used: $45

- EVGA X58 Mobo - 279.99 new after $20 MIR
I have the 3.6ghz templet and the 4.2ghz templet saved in bios. So its just a matter of switching between the 2 templets for your desired speed. Obviously this makes no difference unless you buy the processor as well. Wink wink nudge nudge

Used: $220

- Silverstone DA1000 PSU - 219.99 new after $50 MIR
Used: $175

- OCZ platinum 6GB (3 x 2gb) ddr3 1600 - $163.99 new after $10 MIR
Used: $110

- Antec twelve hundred - $159.99 new
Used: $110

<b> Samsung T240</b> - $309.99 New

No dead pixels. None. Awesome monitor. Touch of red.

Used: $250

2x WD Velociraptor 300GB - $199.99 New EACH
Used: $150, $290 for Both

Logitech Wave Keyboard - $39.99 after $10 MIR

Ive also got a lightscribe dvd burner that Ill let go for $15 and a special LG burner, 1 of 4 rare models, that burns wii/gamecube isos for emulation. Also $15

Also got a copy of Vista Ultimate 64-bit. Full version. Not upgrade. $50

No gpu?

Just a 9800gt, but its not for sale. I find myself playing less and less video games these days. Thats why Im going with a laptop.

I’ll lowball ya @ 500 for the cpu, mainboard, ram, case and windows.
50% retail was the standard for used iirc.
no idea if it is still or not, but reguardless and offer is an offer ;d

Especially since you’ve ran it @ 80c o.O

and $200 for both raptors.

got cash.
in the bank ;d

Especially since i ran it at 80c hahah. It can go up to 100c before its considered dangerous. And by the time it gets there itll shut itself down.

And you just lowballed me $300 after 1 day of being listed. Ill pass. But i will PM you anyway…maybe we can work something out.

more info on lightscribe burner?

Ill give ya the model # when I pull it out of the case. Couple more days here…

Hmm, I’m going to be doing a very similar build but I can get new shit from Microcenter/Frys for cheaper than that. If you end up coming down I’ll be very interested

bullshit you can. show me the links.

I know MC has an i7 sale for $200. But guess what. In store only! You want to drive 5 hours to get it, be my guest. Proven OC chips can fetch almost as much new.

Wow…thats such a lie its not even funny lol. Cheaper than that…Im sure. If micro/frys can manage to sell shit new, by THAT much lower than newegg can, newegg wouldnt exist. When you are done being a cheap fuck, talk to me. Jesus christ.

And if you actually find it CHEAPER than what Ive got it listed for, post the link. Ill consider price adjusting. But if not? Forget it.

I just said I can get it. Not anyone else. I’m going to SoCal next month. The i7 has been $200 for the whole year there. Don’t be a douche and call people liars. It makes people not want to buy from you.

If you are the only one who can get it, then why even post that? Not to mention you werent specific by saying, “i can get the chip cheaper.” Instead you said, “I can get new shit from Microcenter/Frys for cheaper than that.” implying that you think EVERYTHING Im selling is overpriced. See how thats mildly annoying? Trust me…Im well aware of the $200 i7. In fact, when I bought mine it was $200 from microcenter too. I had somebody from cali drive to the store, and hand pick that batch number because they were proven overclockers. Still cost me $250 in the end after I paid him for the favor and shipping. If you have access to everything cheaper, by all means. Go that route. Just don’t thread crash, when everything is obviously fairly priced.

Core i7: $199 new @ Microcenter.

EVGA X58: $199 new

Shall I continue?

hahah! thats the micro board you stupid fucking retard. yes please continue. I enjoy laughs.

Here is what i have.

here is what you posted.

Meh, shows how much I care, I typed in “EVGA x58” in google and copied and pasted. As stated I’ll build mine with new parts for cheaper. Good luck finding someone to buy from you with an attitude like that.

I give nobody attitude except those who deserve it. Im a reasonable person until you act like a douche. Get out. You know nothing.

Edit: If anybody has LEGIT links to the same parts priced lower, by all means post them. I don’t get offended if you can actually prove your points. But odds are, unless its a used part on ebay, it will not be cheaper than what Im asking. Also take shipping costs into consideration.

And if you are interested in a bunch of parts, like Hass is for example, shoot an offer. Id drop the price a little if you took a bunch of stuff together. But not quite that much lol

Well then I’ll definitely retract my previous offer.
Considering the max thermal allowance for the C0 stepped i7 920s is 68C.

and as much as I may feel like a dick for saying this, I also advise anyone interested to be weary of someone making such claims.

and since you seem to love offical information, Here’s a link.


Make sure ya click the C0 step, not D0!
Not that it makes a difference, thermal wise.

Unless you can say that you’ve a different processor than the C0 listed.

Thats CPU temp. Not core temp. But nice try.

Right now, with 3.66ghz clock, i have my chip being stress tested 100%.

Edit: I had the temps just typed in but instead I took a screen shot so you guys can actually see that, I in fact…do know what Im talking about. Imagine that! I let it run for a few more minutes and the temps went up a few c’s. They are stable at that right now.


The 68c refers to the CPU not the core. Cores can and will take up to 100c. And if you cant read that, it says cpu temp, 45c.

Anybody else want to attack? oh wabamm! idiot.

Core temp is ~CPU +5.


CPUs at 80C = Core over temp regardless.
I’m done now.
Just trying to make a future buyer aware… as the Cores can not take above 100c safely. Tjmax is @ 102C or something like that, yes.

Old Prescott processors perhaps (not sure on this, but i know they take a beating), but not 45nm Bloomfields.

/insert pic of fighting on internet being like special Olympics.
/insert witty reply of djs denying Core being +5C of CPU.

~4 posts down from link I gave you.

68c Tcase Max is CPU temperature, NOT Core temperature. The thermal relationship between CPU temperature and Core temperature is 5c, which is shown in the following Intel paper - http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0709/0709.1861.pdf

Since Core temperature is 5c higher than CPU Temperature, you shouldn’t exceed 73c Core temperature, regardless of the fact that maximum Core temperature (Tjunction Max) is 100c.

Tjunction Max 100c is shutdown temperature, which is already far too hot, so any Core temperatures higher than 73c should be considered overtemp.

Comp :sol:

We need mordak to settle this one.

No, we don’t need anybody to settle this one. The processor was at 4.2ghz for a grand total of maybe 3-4 days. Only stress tested for a total of 4 hours. If you honestly think that noticeably affected the lifespan of the chip, you are wrong. For as long as ive had it, its run safely at 3.66. And the picture I posted above proves that those temps are MORE than safe. At idle, which is what its at 99% of the time, core temps barely break 40c.

And if you are 110% sure there is a 5c relation to cpu and core temp, explain the huge variance in my temps in the picture? Seems to be about a 10c difference between cpu and cores. And its much more than just Temps. This chip hasnt seen voltages over 1.32, which is below the max recommended of 0.80V-1.375V. The chip is 100% FINE. Please…quit destroying this thread.