Hillary Clinton backs return to 55 mph limit

actualy, i care, because this plays a part in this.

since the 70’s, engines have become more fuel efficient, and aerodynamic drag has been reduced. both of these things, in effect, allow the car to move faster while burning less fuel in the process

add in electronic fuel injection, overdrive transmissions, better tires, better gearing (how many new cars come w/ 4.11 gears stock anymore?)

and yet SOME think that the OLD speed limit is still the best speed limit ?

and i love how she wants to spend 50 billion to fund energy research, when we ALREADY KNOW that ethanol-based fuel is the best answer, Brazil uses ethanol in almost 100% for their “gas” engines

even if ethanol is the EXACT same price / gallon as gasoline, AT LEAST that $ would stay in the states if WE decided to produce ethanol fuel for ourselves

she should die in a fire

When I said no one cares I meant the general public. I care that some politican wants another way to milk more money from us know damn well we won’t slow down.

Honestly I think we need to do what those people did in that one video. And follow the law to the limit. That is drive 55 the whole way down the highway. I’m not taking about a small area a few miles long we need to do something that will have an impact, and will make it damn clear.

I’m proposing we get a large group of around 10 or more people together to drive the ENTIRE length of the thruway at the proposed speed-limit no more, no less. Granted it’s not original, but it would have a much larger impact than just a few miles of highway.

i would do this. not so much as i think it will make an impact as much as i just think it would be fun.

Get a bunch of radio’s it could be like a mobile mighty meet. And backing up a near 300 mile stretch of road by driving 10 under the speed limit would have a lot of financial impact. Not directly to the government (except maybe a lack of speeding tickets that day, and enforcement in the area), but but messing up a lot of other things such as businesses that rely on tight schedules. If you could get news coverage on this, the impact could be huge and might convince others that maybe 55 isn’t so good.

You never know until we try what kind of impact it would have. And even at 65 it would slow a lot down still. It also would need to be quite visable that we would be protesting a 55 MPH speed limit.

fuck that stupid cunt


thats the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. if you ask me I get better milage at 70 than at 55

Bump, anyone else down for a no-55 protest. :slight_smile:

What fucking stupid politically correct Grandmother government we would have with Billary as Pres. By the time she was through, we’d be required to wear helmets in the bathtub.

Don’t forget warning labels on shower curtains!

for this protest all you REALLY need is 3 cars… go 3 cars wide the whole way down the 90 and see how many people wanna kill you by the time you get to albany

BUT if you get more cars it’d be more fun.

i think cops would jump on us for exhaust tickets and things like that… but oh well its the price you gotta pay to make a point!!!

not the portion that votes.

This was done by some college kids

I think i posted it a while ago…

maybe i’ll find the link


I’m well aware it’s not original and I stated that. But I’m not talking about a 5-10 mile stretch of road. I’m talking a few hundred miles, and the more people the better even though you would need 3 a minimum. There is a such thing as strength in numbers. And also signs blantly pointing out why this is happening. The more people involved the more likely it is to get the attention needed.

I’m sick of being walked over, I’m sure others are sure it might help with gas. But we mostly know everyone is not going to follow it. And instead of letting the usual few just take control. Why not make a bold point that can be seen/felt by more than just a few people before it happens? Sure it’s a silly point but the only way to make a difference nowadays is in numbers. And if it gets through to a few in charge it would be worth it.

I got a big van we can write on with those car markers. such as No 55mph, Fuck Hillary, fight the man

if it was any other senator nobody would make a big deal out of this. its just talk and im sure itll blow over

the “i wont drive 55” 55mph cruise to albany :tup:

if we drove all the way to albany, and called news stations along the way so they could send their road crew to film from an overpass, that would be ALOT of telivision coverage

and back to the 50 billion research fund vs building ethanol plants statement i made earlier

a $50 million ethanol production facility, on average, maked 40 million gallons a year
$50 BILLION in ethanol facilties would, on average , make 40 billion gallons a year

40 billion gallons = a hell of a dent in our oil usage

50 billion in research will NOT pay off like 50 billion in factories

pretty much :tup:

Exactly what I was thinking, get enough people to do this, and keep having others call the media until they pay attention to it. It could easily draw a ton of attention after awhile.