Hillary & Count down to Socialistic Government.


Many people dont understand the fact that social class differences are NOT strictly based on wealth. They are strongly based on culture as well. Why is it some people win a few million in the lottery and are poor again the following year? They got the same oney “rich” people do. Its because many poor people DONT KNOW HOW TO MAINTAIN WEALTH… To “redistribute the wealth” like dumb fuck Hillary suggests is idiotic because those who DONT KNOW HOW TO MAINTAIN WEALTH will squander everything given to them. They will waste the money taken from smarter people and still wind up at the same level they are on now.

We need to teach people to be intelligent and financially responsible… not to give them a easier ride… that just drags our ENTIRE SOCIETY down.


Give a man a fish and he’ll spend his food stamps on cigarettes and beer. Teach a man to fish and he’ll feed his family. Or something like that…