Hillary & Count down to Socialistic Government.


I know that, but Clinton had a low spending rate becuase he just sat there and got head. He did nothing for this country but ensure it is well fucked over in the future. If you look at how much we are spending as opposed to say WWII, yes the numbers LOOK higher, but they actually arent. I am only saying WWII because we spent so much money…and looks like we survived.


My point was that we really wont have a grasp on our curent spendings impact for a few years atleast. Also sometimes big defecit spending can do good for the long run it just depends on what it is being used for really. A war ummm probably not a benefit. But say we went on deficit to fund technology(getting off oil) or education perhaps and it will probably benifit in the long run. I have faith in the US economics system and there are many ways to keep inflation down, GDP where we want it so on and so forth so i dont worry too much.