History Channel

On comcast

Anyone having audio problems with this only channel ?
been like this a few days :wtf:

All i know is that they took the fucking NFL network form me and i am going to go postal on someone at COMCAST for it, fucking douchebags!

that sucks, i still have nfl but they all of a sudden charge for nflhd.

fuck your football network. I want my history channel fixed

user erroR. no issues with the history channel here.

comcastic my left nut

nope, no problems

you watch ever watch gangland? mexican mafia tonight, absolutely crazy mother fuckers

i :love: historroy channel

Nah, I usually watch modern marvels. mafia/religious/mid evil stuff dont interest me.

I don’t like the religious shit at all but I love the astrological programs and crime stuff.

They’ve been pushing a lot of global warming crap lately though, I don’t really care for that either

NFL Network sux, they never have anthing good on there, they just replay games a day after they happened, who gives a shit about a game you already know the score to? It was moved to a package because you were going to get charged for it anyways. NFL Network wanted everyone to pay an addl amount for their channel, and since not everyone cares about it, they moved it to a package where only people that want it will have to pay extra. Its in the same package as the Speed Channel…so its defintiely worth the 3.99/month IMO, and my history channel has been fine for the past few days. I had an issue with the Green Bay game today though, the whole first half had no audio

They program about Andrew Jackson they had on tonight was awesome. What a badass dude.