FYI: TWC throws 5 more HD channels in Buffalo's direction

Not only are the Bills off to a magnificent start this NFL season, but Time Warner Cable is being extraordinarily kind to the fine citizens of Buffalo. Just a week after gifting the area with five new HD channels, the carrier has dropped five more without any celebration. Available now, subscribers in the region can view NHL Network HD (729), History Channel HD (744), Disney Channel HD (750), Lifetime Movie Network HD (751) and HGTV HD (715). Anyone placing bets for five more next week? [Disclosure: Engadget is part of the Time Warner family]

Just lubing the market up before they drop CBS. :wink:

You guys are just getting these? I thought our HD selection in the Southern Tier blew and we’ve had these for a couple months. What are you getting for networks in HD?

So how long do you think it will be until HD is ALL that they broadcast.

~5 years still out… most content now is being created in HD… but there are still re runs etc that will always clog things up

Yeah that stuff is understandable. As far as anything new is concerned, it should all be HD.

Well it’s only a matter of time really. How long did it take to go from black and white to color? lol

Gotta wonder how much if this is because of FIOS TV.

Time Warner bumped their speeds when FIOS internet was launched and now that FIOS TV is available with way more HD than TW you have to wonder if that lit a fire under them.

so is that NHL on broadcast tier… or only with a HD box & digital basic?

i like HD hockey. probalby the only thing ill watch on TV.

no wai. competition making companys provide better products to stay in business? i wonder if GM or ford will figure this crazy concept out.

TW could probably get KILLED by Verizon if verizon just covered more areas with their fios.

i wonder if FIOS has to pay the same franchise fees to the local governments that adelphia/tw has to for the “monopoly” on the market.

^ Well, if it is a reaction to the competition from FIOS is shows you what TW thinks about the satellite provides. Both Dish and Direct have been offering way more HD than TW for pretty much as long as HD has been out but FIOS TV is out for a week and suddenly TW is adding more HD.

so whats TW up to now 13 channels in HD?

way to go fucktards.

From what I hear, TW considers Verizon the biggest threat. Many of TW commercials have changed from bashing the sat providers to bashing Verizon.

Verizon’s FIOS TV is really worrying TW. It’s another company that can offer a package deal (tv, phone, internet) all on one bill. Previously TW had the market on that.

79 bucks per month including tax for digital cable with free hd, and roadrunner.

No contract.

I’m pretty happy with what I get for that price, and I like to watch the canadian channels during hockey season as well.

we’ve had all those in rochester for ages now???

Free HD hahahaa

TW sucks

but they have been eaten up by the sat companies for years… if TW had a decent HD package and didnt F my billing up month after month they wouldnt be so bad

TW could always play the weather card with satellite too. FIOS is just as weather proof as TW.

as long as the sabres games are in hd im fine with twc

huh, ?? have yet to have a weather issue with my dish. well when the power was on.

im just curious as to the exact date when analog TV is going to be turned off. i want to fire up an old tv and watch it go bybye.

February 2009 if your going OTA for signal… if your paying for signal, it will never go out… although iu could see TW requiring people get digital cable boxes in the future

lifetime HD, great!!! we get to watch wives getting beaten in HD and then they get their revenge… ugh