FYI: TWC throws 5 more HD channels in Buffalo's direction

lol @ all the misinformation.

Yeah, I’m not saying it was legit, I’m just saying TW could use that in their commercials against satellite. It works well for scaring people into staying with TW.

That said, I never used to have weather issues with Dish. Then about 6-8 months ago I started getting dropouts on my HD channels. I re aimed it as best I could, still drops during moderate rain. I had an installer come out, he re aimed it, still dropouts. Clear view, no trees, good quality cables for a <50 foot run to the receiver. Another person I know with Dish and a very similar setup is having the same issues.

I’ll be checking out someone’s Fios install early in Oct and may make the jump. One thing I know for sure is I’d never go back to TW though.

wow ur installer sucks ass, i rarely have dropouts and im using a community dish also.

maybe you should get DTV :slight_smile:

Thats it?

Your not going to elaborate on that statement?

cuz he is an idiot

I don’t think it has anything to do with the aiming now. Maybe a firmware fuckup at Dish, maybe bad LNB… not sure. FIOS looks like a way better solution anyway based on what I’ve seen of youtube reviews showing the DVR interface and the channel listings/prices from verizon’s site.


You create a thread on how TW has added HD channels… Then your next post is TW sucks and then whine about how they supposedly fucked up your billing month after month…


i hear ya, fios will be in my place soon, if they carry YES HD ill switch, as thats the only channel preventing me from switching.

You have yet to add anything of value to this thread!

On topic, I hate the new TW A menu. I liked the old method, I guess i will get used it, or I will just do what I am waiting for and get FIOS when it is available to me. I really wanted to do Dish based on the HD, but the effort of switching and wiring really isn’t worth it for how long I will have it.

Rochester has been TW for a very long time…
Buffalo had Adelphia, during Adelphia, what changed, what improved? Nothing

Adelphia sucked bad, they didn’t put any money into WNY, anymore then they needed.

TW rochester has 40+ HDs, verizon fios, does not exist in rochester.

TW took over adelphia and after about a year, launched phone, changed speeds for RR users, dumped millions into WNY for new equipment to handle more HDs.

The added channels and fiosTV is just similiar timing, it was going to happen regardless, it didn’t happen overnight and many changes had to take place for the added channels.

TW has never lost a broadcaster, channel 4 is just playing the same game fox did awhile back.

5 years for all HD, LMAO, hell no and no most content is not created in HD, HD cameras are a 40k investment for one as compared to maybe 3-4k for standard camera.

TW has not been eaten up by satellite companies, TW is currently adding thousands of subscribers and have not posted a lost… TW takes over dish subscribers daily, as i’m sure dish does to TW as well, but again TW has no negatives to date.

Fios is a big threat, and that is good for current TW customers, competition is great for ALL consumers. Fios is a huge investment, massive just for the local markets they’ve already dumped a ton of money… No investment is made without a return, i’m curious how fios is going to go green and in how many years.

I don’t see TW requiring everyone to get boxes in the future, maybe in the extreme future, but its not going to happen in 15-20 years.
One benefit of TW is you can get no digital boxes and pay a flat fee to have 10 TVs going, whereas satellite is per box. (or 2 tvs, one box)

Dish will always have weather issues, LOS issues and their installers are paid per install and don’t really give a honest fuck if you have problems later, there maybe a few installers that do but the majority don’t, they want to be in and out in as little time as possible, they’re not paid per hour and won’t spend 30+min extra to fine tune. Dish needs more QC.