I don’t know if this is old news or not, but I saw this and thought…holy shit…that’s pretty cool.
Here’s the link: http://www.tunerzine.com/articles.php?id=169
News doesn’t get much older than that…
My mistake, I should have figured that everyone knows about it already.
Old news, still nice nevertheless
I’m at work and I walked by Aaron’s desk (SkunkApe) and he informed me that this is nothing new…shit!
There were two of them that came out and autocrossed a few times last year.
oh Ron, you silly goose.
there are like three of four around rochester
What a new and novel idea!
lol. Maybe if it was in some sort of crazy MF setup.
unless something just immediately happened in that past 5 seconds right in front of you, the entire internet already knows
Like sticking a rabbit’s heart into a monkey ; ;
oh the LS1 swap…for those who don’t want to deal with the bullshit. Since when is an RX7 supposed to be reliable??