Hockey- anyone have icetime?


What kind of gear do you guys wear?

I’d like to come out and check it out.

I haven’t played since high school, and i’m 24 now.

I’ll have to hit up ebay to get some stuff, then come by.

im always down for icetime… so far all i know of is monday nights at riverside which is hard cuz i work till 9pm… what else? is this friday thing goin on or what

btw I’m gonna try and keep that on the DL for a while. I used to tell a lot of people about it, but yesterday we had 30 skaters! so its been a little too crazy lately

I just got full forward equipment, so I can play up whenever.

Anyone have sunday icetime?

what about weeknights?

I’ll play forward or goalie

anyone have icetime tonight? I’d like to play (forward) somewhere
