hockey, football, softball what about hoops??

showtime i can get 1 or 2 everyweek, let’s just play 4 on 4. it’s easier to get guys, easier to pick up 1 or 2 @ the court than 3 or 4… plus it’ll clear out the lane a little= more drives and but less elbows to the brow :dunno:

plus i don’t think anyone would be agst getting a beer or two after every game :smiley: :beer: :bigthumb:

i am in i can will play some basketball

Originally posted by slowcamaro
i am in i can will play some basketball
this isn’t the AARP invitational.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i am only 30

Im down for bball any day, I love it…

i’m in just say where:tounge:


i would be in if its between us and its not too serius.

i suck so fuckin bad its rediculous but i like to play amungst friends.

def dont invite me if you want it to be serius.

same thing goes for a golf outing. im down for a nice par 3 outing like at practice “T” or somewhere else. real golf courses must stay away

I’ll find some locations where the court is usually empty so we can play with people we know…5 on 5

If anybody has some suggestions on locations let me know.
the guy i run ball with and I will scout some courts and I’ll post them, so we can pick a central location…hopefully we can start playing in a couple of weeks when this weather breaks.

also a time…weeknight or weekend?

I’ll play… I’m a pitt student too, so im all for the indoor courts :smiley: But I’ll play for sure.

I’ll ball with ya’ll … im white and fat… but for some reason i can jump and run pretty fucking well.

Originally posted by 1320
I’ll ball with ya’ll … im white and fat… but for some reason i can jump and run pretty fucking well.

Originally posted by BlkP42E

ask Quik and BlackWS-6…

i’ll be at the car show on Sunday…in moon…so if any of you show up we’ll talk…

hopefully we can start something in about 2 weeks…if the weather stays nice
we should have 8-10 people now.

we just have to find out what day is best…a weeknight or Sat afternoon, sunday afternoon etc…
I’m think sunday but we’ll see.

did u guys decide when and where

<-------white boy can jump. i’m game anytime. just lemme know when and where and i’ll come school you all :tounge: :wink:

i’m thinking maybe this weekend…sunday if the weather is nice.
I’m movingfriday & Sat. so its going to be hectic, but we’ll see.
If not definatly next weekend.

If anyone wants to run a few times a week hit me up…a friend of mine and I usually run 3x a week…Mondays, Wednesdays, & one day on the weekend…we were playing in the gyms at Pitt but since classes are over there isn’t much run…so were gonna have to go outside at least until summer classes start.
Usually meet up between 5-6:30 depending on work and play for a couple hours.
we’ll probably be at either sq.hill courts, south side, or mt. washington…i’ll let you know definate after this week.

got another this weekend so that’s 3 countin me that ‘should’ play as much as we can :cool:

Originally posted by rookee
got another this weekend so that’s 3 countin me that ‘should’ play as much as we can :cool:

pete…todays weather looks shady & i need to get some stuff done at the new house…so benny & I will probably be playing on Wed.

i was gonna try for tomorrow but it looks like its only gonna be in the high 40’s
wed says 60’s so thats decent.

I’ll give you a ring after i talk to benny.

weds should be cool i was in a wedding this weekend, and i have to go to robinson for a birthday party 2nite (the bride’s actually), so i’m tapped for today. you gotta take it easy on me this weds i don’t feel like chasing your tiny ass all over the court :wink: :tounge: i’m so beat right now, i feel and look like hell run over

which court do you wann run at??? so i can email the other guys, their not pittspeed members :frowning: