Hockey Pics


To be honest I don’t know who that is.

Anywho, the team is getting better and better. But we could use some practice in a few areas, like our power play and faceoffs and our defense when we have the puck in thier zone.

Damnit, I shoulda played like I said I was gona

yes you should have :rant:

huh?? u mean like don’t jump up and get caught like you do? :wink:


someone should photoshop the ref’s from these pics, and make them sucking each other off or something gay like that

if we’re still playing next session, which i dont see why we wouldnt, ill shoot you a pm. we should be able to get u in.

we dont have a captain.

there’s really no way of telling who’s scored the goals or anything. the website has some stats, but not much.

Oh i thought this was a hockey thread, but clearly its roller derby.

our refs after the game

then come out and show us how its done :slight_smile:

Hmmm thissss lookssssssss familiar. Wasss thissss at the Blue Oyessssster?

SSssssssssssssssilly Billy’s

and yeah, I really wish I couldve joined the team this year. If you guys need anyone for next year id be down.

Who is brosh?

Like me and the other defensemen,

Jay what position do you play again: :stuck_out_tongue:

i don’t know what your talking about, i’m more defensive minded lol i hardly jump at all

I think I’m going to play more defense this week. If you want to play Offense Strokes

jay stays on D.

The management

I think that would be better, the 2 goals I have were both in front of the net. I don’t have a decent slap so I’m not that good on the point.