hockey tonight? 12-14-05

I was just wondering if we had the mil-sher rink tonight? anyone know what the deal is?

If there is i’m in.

yeah so am I and StrokedZ28, but we need someone to tell us whats up lol

Where are you FD Jones?!?!

I think you should go to his house and wake his ass up :tup:

I skate at Depew on wednesdays its a good fast skate! 1015 depew $10

Is he off from work today?

dunno, his away message was “bed” can you call him at work?

anyone else playing that can shine some light on the subject?

i was at work but never changd my away message this morning lol sorry, i left my cell at home too…i’ll call u guys in a few

Its at 8:30, not 8 right?

yea for phone calls!

well apparently its cancelled :frowning: they said too many people were “on the fence” about going… wtf


yeah, im still going to call around

ok i just talked to silvergtp he’s like “hmm, it seems like alot of people wanna play tho” he’s gonna call around and get back to me

stay tuned

edit u beat me to it haha

No subs are fine for me :wink:

dennis can’t play, but ralph can

so 1 goalie

in all honesty, thats fine, if some people wanna play a half court game with ralph in goal, i wouldn’t mind working on shooting the puck on the other end

probably will be more then 10 bucks if we can’t get 12 people. Unless we play for an hour?

Jay, do you have that link we send out every monday? I don’t have it here at work

yea why dont’ we just do it for an hour then. what link? the original email of the week?