Depew ice hockey sat nights

For those of you interested we start our season of Saturday night pick up skates at the Depew ice rink. the skill level is normally intermediate +, i wish i were a tad better on a consistent basis but its usually a good skate. It starts at 10:30 pm i believe and is usually an hour and a half if we have enough guys. maybe more if theres a lot of guys. We got goalies so dont ask. its full gear minus shoulder pads or whatever-its non contact. its $10 a skater.

once my groin heals up I’ll be there

when is this beginning? today?

yes tonight 10 pm

how many guys do you need? or should i say how many usually come to this?

tough to say how many will show the first few weeks. but in mid season once its running consitantly we usually have 3-4 subs on each bench on a good night, some less some more. If you fit the description and wanna skate tonight your welcome to. Just please remember its not a beginner skate.

yea im assuming this will be just like last year…skill wise.

and again if people are at a higher level and are looking for icetime, PM me. I run 2 skate and shoots a week, as well as a team in the buff state A league.

this groin injury is really pissing me off. finally I can get as much ice as I could want, plus Buff State is open, and I can’t fucking play

Bump 9/22 10pm

bump, found out skate is 1030 every saturday

BUMP we had an ok turn out for the first week only having less than 24 hours notice.

bump- get on the ice.

ungh I want to play forward so bad but I would definitely kill my groin. I’m trying to stay off the ice for 2 weeks

If you could pm me on Saturdays or call me (per pm) id go. Was supposed to go last year but didnt get a car in time. Now I have a car and am looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.

bump it up fukka’s. get yer ish together and join the fun! bring some beers for afterwards!

Ill be there tonight.

cool. cya there!

so painful not being able to play. argh.

Yeah, I went, good times. Still dunno who the guys from on here are that were playing?
I played with a few of those older guys last year, always fun. BTW, if you (98SS10) were the guy who jabbed in the ribs on accident lol good game. If it wasn’t still dunno who you are, fill me in. Ofcourse I was the guy in the yellow jersey as if I didnt stick out like a sore thumb as is haha.

98ss10 is a goalie. mostly white pads if i remember correctly.