Hofbrauhaus - Newport KY

Anyone been there??? I went two years ago and I really want to go back, I am craving a Maibach beer, and I need to buy another mug because I broke the last one. I was planning on going in the spring sometime, but it would be fun to get a group of people together to go down for the weekend. Anyone interested??? I know its way early, but I could maybe get a couple hotel rooms booked in advance,a nd we can set a date so anyone that wants to go, can plan ahead of time, and request off work if need be. For anyone who hasn’t gone, the Levee is a pretty cool place to go. i watched Beer Fest over the weekend and it really made me crave good german beer

there will be one in the South Side Works soon, if i’m not mistaken.

Seriously??? That would be sweet!!

My college buddies were just kicking around the idea of a Kentucky whiskey and bourbon tour for some time in the spring. This might be a possiblity.

Jim Beam factory FTW!!

I’d like to go there sometime too, maybe if I head to Newport in the spring, i will have to swing by there and check it out

im with this man.


lets figure out a good day, and I’ll get things scheduled…the more the better!

IIRC Whitey was talking about one being in the South Side too. Dunno when or where it will be?

Its about an hour and a half drive from Newport to Louisville, So we could leave on Friday, and hit the Hofbrauhaus, then hang out at the Levee, or in Cincy, then Saturday take the drive down to Louisville for the Jim Beam factory, get all liquored up, crash there and head home on Sunday.


so when we going?

we could go in April, like the 13-15, 20-22, or we could go the weekend of St Patricks Day in March, but it might still be cold out then…im cool with any weekend, I have 3 weeks of vacation next year, so im open for anything.

I have been there and I have one of those big glass stein’s in my house to prove it

it was an awesome time

cant wait till they put one in pittsburgh!!

yeah, i need to replace mine…it broke when I was moving. I want to buy a couple for when I build the bar in my basement.