Hofbrauhaus... best place on earth.

We went there tonight for dinner, and what an awesome experience, the beer, the music, the toasts, the food, the atmosphere… Perfect

I am a little tipsy now as I had 3 of the Litres of the Hofbrauhaus Dunkel…

I see somewhere I will be spending a lot more time at.

My dinner tonight:

Place was pretty damned packed after 6

We rode by like 7:30 one night, freakin lined up down along the front end… must be ridiculous!

I was ther last night and definitely was impressed. I had some weizen, beer cheese and pretzels, saur braten and apfle strudel. Deeeelicious!

can’t wait to try it out. heard nothing but good things. will wait till novelty wear off a little.

God damn i cant wait

i live under a rock. Where is this place located because it looks fun.

south side behind the cheesecack factory, i work directly across the river, so if you are there at night you can see the big level 3 lit up, they are still doing contruction on the back of that building looks like they might be building a boat dock

I’ve been waiting for this place to open, great to hear it is actually good.

Is there any place to park around there?

Is there ever any parking in the south side? There is a parking garage in southside works.

Parking in the garages down there is cheap, after 6 it was $1 an hour.

Here was one of my full litre’s of Hofbrau Dunkel… $7.75 but so so good.

The Bier cheese and pretzels were awesome too

I have been anxiously waiting for this place to open. Can’t wait to get down there.
We should have a meet there!

I shouldnt have had all that Sauerkraut last night :lol:


i said the same thing… I am definitely down for a meet. During the week it was pretty slow. How does April 2nd sound?

Word… I might be going down this Sunday again after north hills autocross… I want to see Mr Oktoberfest, my buddy said he was a riot when they were there last Sunday


April 2nd sounds perfect

I work next door sometimes… going friday after work. Quality place

dude sitting next to us was bitching to his G/F about beer being $7.75… I guess people don’t realize that 1 Liter is 2.11 Pints… its actually not that bad of a price heh.

I’d like to go sometime. I’ll probably just wait the 6 months until I’m 21, though.

Edit: I am a sucker for German food though, I was raised on that stuff. Who knows.