Holly Shit I Knew It!!!!!!!!!!

Burnyd…Is it True?? Read Everything


Left his myspace signed in at the shop…XfrankX,Hwh22Hx,Flatblackterror



oh man I got owned

change his pass word so he cant change it!


cant you need the old password


ROFL, he didn’t change everything back yet!! Bartender at Pegasus! :rofl:

LOL…maybe he’s finnaly admitting to it…:dunno:

:beer: :greddy: :nuts:


myspace ftl

shit, im getting advertisements in my inbox there too. they HAVE to be selling my email address on a old band account is getting the nigerian emails and other stuff similar like crazy in that gmail account lol.

Dan changed the page last night before I could read it lol

yes I did… I didnt even realize the bartender thing till this morning…
