Holy crap.. cars are suddenly cooler than bikes.

crazy arabians

wow…crazy mofos

cars are cooler than bikes, but this is not why.

shame on you willy, cars are NEVER cooler than bikes.

The 2 wheel driving is impressive :tup: but the cars spinning (I guess you could call it drifting :rolleyes: ) is pretty lame. And I love how they stand right next to that shit on the side of the road :banghead:


everything in that video is beyond crazy…

how about the fact that they do this IN TRAFFIC IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY???

no one on here or anyone i will ever know will ever be able to do this… nor does anyone have the balls to try it…

it’s almost, like a distant almost, as cool as strapping bombs to your chest and walking through a crowded market… that shit is super rad.

I think its pretty damn cool, plus them are mad driving skills yo!

i can’t believe the stock suspension on those trucks/suv’s can handle all that weight on 2 wheels sideways like that…but then again i’m assuming it’s stock suspension…and by the looks of the cars, i think that’s a safe assumption to make…

if gas were as cheep here as it is there id be all over that :stuck_out_tongue: They can fill a tank for less then we get a gallon for. Id love to fill a tank for $150. But then my car would have a ton more miles on it.

Best Arab drifting video ever:

cool video

residual sand on the road must make shit like this much easier

$500,000 cars… $100 video cameras.

I wish we could do that on the streets.

and not get shot in .3 seconds.

No wait, I don’t wish we could do that.
Because then every 16 year old would be trying that in a piece of shit car and causing accidents all over god knows what.

i’m just wondering what kind of ticket you would get if a cop saw you 2 wheeling down the road…

I was about to say that.

crazy shit…

but I just don’t like arabs. Idk why.

that is nutz! i love it

man they are totally fucking crazy…

but the thing is to them this is like zero risk, i mean fuck, at least theres no bombs.

Wow, very impressive!