Holy Fucking Shitballs!

A couple of the Eurpoean kids arrrived today. OH MY FUCKING GOD!

Blonde, 5’8, almost a dead on knockoff of Shakira. Barely speaks any english, and if this is how hot she looks like after getting off a 20+hr trans-atlantic flight, then I cant fucking wait to see what she looks like cleaned up…


Im running an extra mile tonight. My main purpose in life is now to seduce this girl, and make sweet sweet monkey love before the summer is over. Oh dear lord you should have seen the way she was looking at me. Maybe being fat is like a status symbol over there. Tony Sopranos is always getting all the euro bitches. :x:

And here I am, hair all messed up, havent shaved in like 2 days. :doh:

FUCK! I hope she’s not “with” any of other 2 guys that came over. I might have to do something to get his ass deported.

lol… i met some euro’s down there one yr… hehe… kinda funny and really slutty … dunno why

:x: x infinity

worthless without pics


get a damn camera phone or something

I have a mental pic. Thats all i need. :finger:

Tittywop Motherfucker!

hence why euro is the greatest!!

I didnt know the poon train was gonna be stopping at the FSK tonight. Rest assured, pics will be taken.

Yea, when i went to spain a few years back, all the girls were hot. I dont think I saw a girl there that was ugly (unless it ones someone from america or another country) But man, they all look like Shakira over there.

yes this is worthless without pics


just to clear this up…Shakira is south american…she is from cloumbia…
so kinda similar to spain but not quite.

my boss is from columbia, and they went to the same H.S.

IMO…as far as hot girls…south america > Euro

shakira is the shit. she’s only 4’11". i dont like euro girls unless they shave. south american > euro!