Holy Fucking Sweet!

Just got back from the bomb demonstration. It was pretty much all FBI/NSA/ATF people, with some local and state cops. It was freaking awesome. Most of what they did was fairly small things… they showed some examples of home-made bombs from common household products, then they showed some commercial expolosives (like TNT and stuff), and they showed some military grade stuff like C4. It was pretty cool. They showed how they used explosived and jusgs of water to blow open suspicious devices, they blew the fuck out of one of the FBI guy’s desk (he had just retired), and they BLEW THE EVER LIVEING FUCK out of an old taurus. They also detonated some big ass charge underwater… oh man, it was just like you see in the movies. There was a HUGE column of water that shot up about 300 feet, then the wind caught it and it totally soaked pretty much everyone in the crowd, even though they were like 200-300 yards away. It took like 15 seconds for it to hit the ground, but i ran out of battery and didnt get it…

Vids and pics will be posted when i get home from work at around midnight.


did they do a blood test on you also :embarass:

Originally posted by Shaggy
did they do a blood test on you also :embarass:


I got to talking with one of the FBI guys… He was actually from Pittsburgh. He told me about how he busted up a drug ring and scored 450 keys of blow. Yikes! He asked me when I was gonna join the bureau, I snickered.

If he only knew… :rofl:

was his mailing address Kittanning?


nah, he told me he lives in McKeesport, he graduated from IUP back in the day, worked out in Harrisburgh for a long time and just recently moved back to Pittsburgh.

He also gave me his card… Glenn Bonczek.

He also said his kid is all into cars and is in his 3rd year at Pitt…


Sounds like a cool afternoon! :cool:

… where’s the damn pics though :madfawk:

Originally posted by Craig King
… where’s the damn pics though :madfawk:

he said they will be up around midnight when he gets off work

i want a new backround for my computer. so get them up ASAP

Originally posted by flyinglow57
he said they will be up around midnight when he gets off work

i want a new backround for my computer. so get them up ASAP

unfortunately, I didnt get too many pics. With the delay in the digicam, and the uncertainty of the bombs going off, i didnt want to chance missing anything, so i just took small vids of everything. I really wish I could have went down and take pics of the carnage, but the only thing that was left over was the car they blew up, and from the looks of it, there wasnt much left to take pics of…



now if you want to see cool stuff all the time…the army is looking for a few good men

Originally posted by Darkstar
nah, he told me he lives in McKeesport, he graduated from IUP back in the day, worked out in Harrisburgh for a long time and just recently moved back to Pittsburgh.

He also gave me his card… Glenn Bonczek.

He also said his kid is all into cars and is in his 3rd year at Pitt…

Dude, that’s my wife’s uncle! I’ll have to give him a call tonight and get the real story on what you were up to. :wink:

He’s also her godfather. When we were getting married he reminded me that he carries a gun. :eek: Nice guy though.

so uh, where are the pics?


Pics are there, but he’s exceeded his bandwidth… snicker