Home loan rate.

I waited long enough, i locked into today. 4.25 30y fixed 60 day out close. When i was in the loan office and told them i wanted to put an extra 11k down they laughed at me. It only brought my payment down ~$65.00. Looks like i am getting more toys… like a deck…

Just wanted to say lock them in now boys… and dawn.

nice rate, sounds too low to be true… hopefully no points or other catches… what bank?

yeah mine is 6.5 you lucky bastard

edit: this is as of last month though

after looking around more… there must be points on this, way too low compared to any bank I can find.

well it was 5.25 when i got my mortg but my credit held it at a higher rate so it could have gone down since then. does location effect it as well

extra 11k and the laughed at you? why?

yes, the seller had to pay the ~1.XX points. i had that in our contract over two years ago! Then we could buy 1 at $960 so we did.

and you didn’t think that might be something to note in the first post?

the reality is that @ no points you have a normal rate of probably 5-6% which is nothing special for the last year or so… it almost never makes sense to buy a points unless you’re going to live in the house for > 10 years.
see: http://www.bankrate.com/brm/Calsystem2/Calculators/InterestVsPoints/Default.aspx

regardless, congrats on the house…

true, true, guess i was a little happy. so i will break it down now.
4.25 with point payed by the seller and one by me.
30 fixed VA

997 p&I
480 tax (will go down with my va discount ~150)
1,5XX with insurance

if the house was built two years ago we where looking at 1,800+

the reason the chuckled at me is b/c our savings is at 6% and our loan is at 4.25. and if we needed the money “home equ” we couldnt pull it out with a low rate.

edit, nevermind, P&I = principal and interest.

Where is this 180k house?


anonymity is a member of 1st Elitists of WNY. :wink:

Dan, when we wiring the place?

and, how you doing? Been thinking about you. You didnt respond to the last text over the weekend, but i imagine you were a bit distracted.

im still at 7% but i have that gay FHA 203k …BS

180k is assuming that he put nothing down, congrats on the purchase

Sweet, congrats!
