Home Theater PC Discussion part 2

Ok, finally ordered all of my parts and such to put together the HTPC… new question is who is currently using a computer for TV - what are you using for program guide & DVR programming?

I’ve seen a few out there, but wondering what people are currently using and what they like - are you getting an HD programming?

edit: going to be using ATi HDTV Wonder as my capture card

a guy at work uses “myth tv” and has been for years… i think he likes it… i dont know about high def though.

I use mythtv… it can be a bitch to setup but once you get it going it is great. I don’t think that ATI card works on Linux however…

I’ve got the whole Windows Media Center thing going. No HD though since my tuner card doesn’t support it. I just watch HD over the air.

Media Center works great as a DVR and program guide. There are a whole bunch of things that make you go “Oh, that’s friggin’ cool” … too many little things that I won’t get into, but you realize after they’ve happened. And I’ll never not have my PC double as my TV again :tup:

i have this http://www.snapstream.com/products/beyondtv/default.asp

works pretty well

anyone running TW HD with a tuner card? i was just wondering how it worked out for them or if we need one of their stupid boxes still

ive been wanting to build an ubuntu mythbox forever…looks pretty awesome from what ive seen online. Besides, anything is better then this POS TimeWarner hardware

ATI works, nvidia is just prefered its the whole open source drivers of nvidia that makes it easier to work with

Looks like its a good solution for non-HD … but you cant get the encrypted HD over a tuner w/o a pre-built HTPC that runs like $1400 alone and a cable card