Turning your PC into a DVR

I’d really like a DVR, but I dont want to give Time warner more money.

I was looking at this: http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/products/data_pvr150.html

It looks like an on screen program guide is out of the question, but it does the other stuff I want it to do.

Anyone out there have any experience with something like this?


I used to own the Hauppauge WinTV USB2 with remote.

Use that with Snapstream BeyondTV and its a great PVR/Guide setup.

I own the PVR150.

what do you plan on doing with it? Just using the PC as a DVR Box? Will it be running through a TV? Is the TV a HD unit?

It’s a nice card depending on what you want to do with it. Oh, and if you want a nice menu GUI try XP media center or like boxxa suggested, BeyondTV is really nice too

It’s like $5 a month from TW. So for $60 a year you can have a DVR that seemlessly integrates with your TV, and does HD, or for $53 + shipping + a computer + a bunch of hastle you can have some homebrew DVR running on your PC?

I’m not a big fan of TW either, but this seems like a no-brainer.

JayS has a point. I basically want to make my computer that already has is connected to my TV via an ATI video card with an s video out do everything a DVR does, but not as well. I guess I need to look into DVR costs.

The time warner solution is FAR superior to a PC solution. The PC will be a huge pain in the ass and you will spend more time fucking with it then watching tv

Although, I might get the cars so I can record stuff from the DVR to the PC.

But an ATI all-in-wonder card is probably a better solution that question.

or better yet

Getting one to play with is one thing. I have a tuner card in my desktop that can do DVR functions. I’ll use it when I’m trying to get some stuff done on the computer between periods of the Sabres games. But I’d never consider dropping my Dish DVR service.

With MythTV you have to pay like $20 every 6 months in order to get the tv listings… Still better than giving TW/whatever more money imo… Being able to burn recordings to DVD and stream them is huge… It just requires a lot of time and effort to set it up.

^ agreed

I used to use my PC all the time to record shows and watch them later streamed through my PC to the TV… but it certainly doesn;t make up for a good dvr box.

I think an hour of TV cost me around 6-7Gb (until I compressed it, which took a while too)