Adding a Sata hard drive to my DVR?

So i can just plug this in to my time warner SA 8300HD? it says it supports it.

Now my main question is can i connect this hard drive to my PC and be able to burn the files on DvD?

right now im using a dvd recorder for my dvr and it makes them look very VHS being that they have to transfer through the yellow old school video cord.

Anyone use this before? what do you think?


I thought the format wasn’t viewable on anything but the DVR… I could be mistaken but regardless I hate hate hate my sci atl dvr. Gets full when I record HD content after only a few hours of shows. Sometimes it stops recording whenever it feels like it then picks back up only to break the program up into 5 minute sections.

that was an old problem with ch7, something to do when the commercials came on. If yours is still doing that, and filling up after only a “few” hours of HD, time to swap.

Im on my 3rd dvr maybe its time to swap again. regardless i am very close to getting a tivo and just running cable cards but that depends on when i can get fios

I dont appreciate my Dish DVR’s til I see what the TW people go through…

Heh, +1.

Hell, now that I’ve moved to FIOS I still miss my Dish DVR. The FIOS one is still 1000x better than the TW one, but the Dish DVR is the best on the market.

As for the OP, no, you can’t copy stuff to the hard drive and move it to your PC. The recordings are encrypted with the DVR’s unique encryption keys so only the DVR that recorded them can play them.

If you want to DVR stuff and move it to the PC your only option is Tivo. The Dish and TW DVR’s won’t do it and Fios doesn’t even support external drives yet.

If you want to stay with TW, then definitely go Tivo with Cables Cards and a SDV Tuner.

The two best DVR’s are TIVO and Dish Network’s. One note too is you can use your Tivo with cable cards on Fios as well.

The problem with tivo is you can no longer use video on demand.

or start over, or some “switched” HD channels. I’m not sure which HD channels are “switched”, but that’s what the TW site says.

Startover and On Demand are true.

Switched channels are not, TW has SDV tuning adapters now for watching Switched Digital channels on TIVO’s.

TV was a lot more fun before I learned how it works

You need one of the VIP employee boxes that has 10x standard capacity for recording. PM LZ

This will change very shortly. The current guide has been SA’s lock on us for too long. It will be gone soon, the new guide will allow us to do many, many things like dtv’s and beyond.

He got me a new 320gb DVR for free with my d3 upgrade.

Tivo is nice, cable cards suck assssss, FCC just admitted they are a failure.

You can plug a external HD into the SA boxes, which adds space, however you cannot play it on anything but THAT SA box due to it being encrypted.

There are ways around this, which require $ and no, don’t pm me.
Now, things are going to change very soon here, i’ll just say if you add video on a external HD it will not be playable when our new guide arrives.

The new guide is nice :tup:

Will this new guide be pushed to our DVR’s automatically?

I heard about that but couldn’t find too much info on them. Any changes worth mentioning?

It will get pushed out when they upgrade