Getting a video off of a dvr box

My friend has this show he recorded on his dvr and he wants me to get it off of there and on a blu-ray disc or dvd at least, is there anyway I can do that and still keep it in HD prefered

i can pull all my vids off of tivo, not sure what he has tho

I have a samsung dvd recorder. I used it to pull a bunch of shit off my dvr, I know they sell these still or perhaps borrow someones.

you can try using the composite out (yellow white red) and use the record to VCR option. If the DVR is connected with an HDMI cable you will need to disconnect that first and hook up with coaxial to the TV or component cables due to HDCP.

Who’s DVR does he have??

Dish Network’s VIP series DVR allows you to move content around using an external hard drive and USB. Everything is saved exactly the way it was recorded.

From there you can do what you need to do as far as saving to a disc or whatever.

Since when? When you copy something from a dish dvr to a removable drive it’s encrypted and can only be seen on a dish dvr. The dish dvr even formats that disk with a proprietary format so a computer can’t read it.

There’s a program. I’ll ask my friend at work.

You know as soon as that was figured out, someone set out to figure out a way to break the encryption!!

Actually just thinking about this and not really knowing for sure, maybe a computer person could chime in, couldn’t you use a tuner card with an HDMi input installed into your computer and video editing software to achieve the same result from essentially any HD DVR???

That may be the answer. Again I am not a computer person so I may be waaaay off here. I’m pretty sure that’s what a customer of mine was doing though. Not really sure on the correct terminology either.

How is the “Record to VCR” output different than the regular playback?

record to vcr on a tivo only uses composite inputs, thus making it useless for HD.

This is why, for now tivo> everything out there. Open source, hackable where tivo does not care, hd shows can be pulled off tivo and viewed on pc, etc…