honda 1.7 vtec cracked block?

car is a 2002 civic 1.7 vtec. doesnt blow any oil/smoke and doesnt overheat. oil is in the anitfreeze but not the other way around. honda forums show some blocks have pores from bad castings and develope hairline cracks in the oil filter passage into the coolant system. any you honda guys fimilar with this problem? thanks. also if thats the case ill have a 1.7 vtec taking up space it runs great but just has this problem.

I honestly haven’t heard of this problem yet. I would say that the headgasket was bad, but that would most likly cause it to some a bit. So it could have a crack somewhere.

look who is workin on it nuff said



bahahahhaa pwned! +rep!

i love how you think your the best mechanic, im 22 and would walk you. if you were that good your car would run.

^ you sir have just started a war.

why dont you guys end the chatting, shut off your webcams and get a room.

“walk” him? obviously if you are racing to put a car together (what this statement implies) then you have already failed as a mechanic before you even started.

please do not talk shit until you no longer own a w body. kthnxbye.

good , i dont post often and figured id ask the honda guys something for the simple fact when i go to scrap this 1.7 vtec someone MIGHT need it. that all. then i got this guy swingin his nuts with a blown piece of shit in his driveway . fuck that.

Cracked sleeve is my guess. 1.7l d17 is the worst engine honda ever made.

you dont know me either pal. i just feel jipped when people only talk shit on computer. everyone ive met personally from shift ive either never had a problem with. except cameo hes a fucking homo i knew him b4 tho.

Wait are you buddies with Sean Trestic(dont know acutal spelling)

yea ive been scannin old threads and dont see anyone swapping one in anything… thanks to everyone that helped.

doesnt ring a bell… where would i know him from does he got a car id recognize or something?

trust me pal ,give it 3 weeks ill run ya .i didnt blow my motor it ran when i pulled it and still would kill anything and i mean ANYTHING you own ,i spun 3 rod bearings runnin a 02 vette on the highway and had it by a car at 130 on motor at 7k and still got home on it …trust me ya dont want any of whats goin in it i got more in my rotating assembly then ya do in all your cars .so till then dont ever say you will walk me

thank you sir:lol

shit you know whats in it now dont ya?

from another guy who turns wrenches:

john is a good tech, and an overall cool dude who knows his shit.

from talking to you on here mclaren, and seeing the leaky gas tank/ busted up pos you drive you don’t seem too bright.

plus rep …ill pay ya back at the LOTT BRA …

w3rd the fuckin lottttttttt