HONDA DAY april 15

Keep the rotory out of it. U cant compare that motor with anythig. Piston motors

Not really interested in Honda Day, even if there were 1 cop per every 2 people there. Way too sketchy.

i feel dumber now.

You said motors, everything goes.

Andreynef, what’s going on dude? Don’t be so silly.

Im not. Thats just a retarded motor

First, is this even English? Second, what Lamborgini has a turbo on it?

Maybe you’re just a retarded person?


I guess in your case.

Does anyone want to go?


uh huh…
oh, and its has*

they are going to*

You* x2. and i want to smack you


again…you* and i still want to smack you

:skid :skid

U angry

Good morning, Terry.
How was your Christmas?

Knew it

yeah because we dont have LSX engines that are making 2300rwhp +

So im assuming you like giant body kits, and stupid wings and are planning or already have one on your honda? I agree that people like you make people who actually tastefuly modify their hondas a bad rep from the start

In all honesty… if the guy is from the BX and has done “money runs” he probably has something pretty fast

Yeah, bwe45 has no idea what he’s talking about. He beaner’ed his ride out

Yep 100% straight riced the fuck out

This whole forum is a joke. Check my grammar. Don’t stereotype people who own a Honda. Every make of car has its own following of half breeds. Love of the game. To each their own. Now, that being said. Shut up or put up. The kid wanted to run and you all talk shit about what he drives and have no clue that your mothers Jetta is not a race car. Lock it the fuck up!

Right away boss!


Oh boy. Subscribed.