honda guys i need help

i bought a 97 civic off of mike on here hes from finllyville…well its a dx but has a y8 motor and tranny in it…the car is very fun to drive but i cant find the downstream o2 sensor on it anywere i looked under neath the passanger side seat ,in the engine carpartment cant find it…any help would be really helpfull…thanks

In the exhaust manifold IIRC?

Are you sure the new motor is OBD2a like the chassis would say? 96 and earlier Civic’s have one O2 sensor in the top leading edge of the cat(sometimes in the a-pipe leading into the cat)

96 and later will have two O2 sensors, one in the aforementioned spot and one in the back trailing edge of the cat.

MIke could definately answer the question but I bet he converted to OBD1 losing the second O2 sensor so he could tune the motor easier

im not sure bout that…but the block says 98 y8 and same with the head…i dont think they made those in obd 1…but i could be wrong…its just messing me up cause i cant find it anywere…a friend of mine told me look under neath the carpet cause if it was done right.thats were the ex o2 sensor runs then threw the body to the cat…

The placement is correct, but OBD1 is much more tuner friendly than OBD2a/b. I bet that is was converted…which would be visible at the ECU harness, look for a jumper harness only about 8 inches long.

Get under the car and look for the sensors jutting out of the cat area to be sure

ok if it was converted to obd1 would that be a problem on my part… wat would i have to do ?

I’m not sure you mean what do I have to do? Are you referring to inspection scanning? If so I never had OBD2 anything, so I’m not sure what you’d have to do to get around the code scanning part. My inspection guy knows swaps so he would probably just ignore it.

ok do u kno of anyplaces that would inspect it…thats the only thing wrong with the car…lol

Stop listening to this friend.

Get under the car and follow the exhaust, the o2 sensor will be jutting out of it… is the exhaust oem? i put a header on my 96 dx and it replaced the cat/factory header and elminated one of the o2 sensors…

the motor is from a 98 civic ex and the body is a 97 dx… i bought the motor with the wiring harness so it has to be on there somewhere unless someone at foreign cut it off??