honda immobilizer ughh...

so i have a 00 p72 ecu with the immobilizer removed in my 99 civic. the ecu runs the car fine but it throws the cel: ecu internal circuit malfunction, which is most likely due the the removal of the immobilizer. i just bought an untouched 00 gsr ecu with the immobilizer untouched. i do not know if there is a “proper” way to remove the immobilizer as i have heard that any removal will result in a cel. i have seen bypass modules but they are all for remote starters. i also saw some product from europe that u solder in replacing the immobilizer but i can’t find it anymore. anyways, if anyone knows how i can run this for my inspection gimme a little insight please. and :snky: ways are always welcomed. thanks.

Im prety sure the way most alarm systems bypas it is just by putting a key under the dash. So, if youd put a spare key under there somewhere, and i suppose you might want to dremel off the key part so it dosent start the car. But, the car will just think theyres allways a key in the car, so theres no need to disable it, as it will never have a problem…


Im prety sure the way most alarm systems bypas it is just by putting a key under the dash. So, if youd put a spare key under there somewhere, and i suppose you might want to dremel off the key part so it dosent start the car. But, the car will just think theyres allways a key in the car, so theres no need to disable it, as it will never have a problem…


yea that works if you have an immobilizer key programmed for the ecu. my civic did not originally come with an immobilizer thats why i have to find a way around it.


yea that works if you have an immobilizer key programmed for the ecu. my civic did not originally come with an immobilizer thats why i have to find a way around it.


Oh… That blows :confused:

Uhhh… i see no good way around that then… Can you have honda program one for you somehow?

yea i was gonna contact them about that if i find no other way around it. it’s just super expensive. honda-tech hasn’t been much help, i’m trying to find some other resources.


yea i was gonna contact them about that if i find no other way around it. it’s just super expensive. honda-tech hasn’t been much help, i’m trying to find some other resources.


H-T is generally useless for a serious question like this, im not sure if its really so possible… But yea, i only have one key, and i dont feel like spending $100 for a new one…