Honda info needed

Can some of you Honda gurus help me out? I need the distance between the exhaust ports from a Honda cylinder head. I guess preferably one of the more popular motors either a B16 or B18. Reason is no one makes a header for my motor and if I get a Honda aftermarket header that is close, I can fabricate a header flange for my motor and cut the flange from the Honda header and weld the two together. I think this might be easier than making my own header from scratch. Any help would be appreciated.:x:

i think hybrid likes making headers…, or maybe that was domination. :dunno:

bgblockelcamino has a turbo b16 civic hatch down his shop … might want to message him.

what motor do you have in your car? i have a spare header here or at least have one to borrow. that header would be pretty easy to build though if you have to.

2.3 Quad4. If you have a spare header, could you measure the distance between the center of one primary to the center of another?

isnt this a 2.3 quad4?

it is about 3.5 inches center to center
but on quad 4 the header is in the back, hondas are tyically in hte front unless newer k series

That was quick, thanks!:bigthumb: As for the header in the rear of the engine bay, yes it is. What I was thinking was cut the Honda header down by the collector, “rotate” the downpipe 180 deg, sleeve the outside, and weld. Keep in mind this is an idea from the top of my head while eating lunch here at work:nuts: I’ll measure mine when i get home from work and post tomorrow. Thanks again.

may still be easier to build one from scratch
just going from experience
but if you have a honda header that will work for tubing and bends that you will need

or maybe see what the K series motors measure since the exhaust manifold is already in the rear it might be easier to just start with that.

Yep, you're right, primaries on my exhaust manifold are 4" center to center, doubt I can tweak piping that distance.
I'm not famaliar with a K series motor.  What are they in, RSX?

yes, the manifolds in the rear on the rsx motors so that might be able to give you a head start on what your looking to do.

or something like a dodge neon, who also have their headers in the back. At least the newer ones do

Thanks for the input guys. I’ll check on those cars that were mentioned.