Honestly, I think my numbers are BS

like many of us have said, 420-430whp is realistic

There is no such thing as ‘accurate numbers’.

Only the 'numbers your car puts down in that current condition.

Why do dynos always read high or low? Is there no standard? Isn’t HP calculated using Time, Resistance (force?), Speed? Doesn’t the dyno roller have a set resistance?

Are there any dynos that are NIST calibrated regularly? NIST=National Institute of Standards and Technology

The only widely accepted ‘standard’ is a Dyno Dynamics dyno in ‘Shootout’ mode.

If you get good numbers on that thing, you’re making some nice power.

Some dyno dynamics will read crank HP in shootout mode. Others give a much lower number, lower than without shootout mode. Depends on how you set it up. Or at least, that’s what two different dyno operators told me (Ben @ KTR and Junior at The Shop).

The only widely accepted standard is trap speeds.

Haha word.

If thats directly pasted from his e-mail. I would not trust a shop owner that can’t use spell check to correct something as stupid as wright in an email to a customer… :rofl

Hes probably dyslexic and read your numbers wrong

In his defense, the guy who built my car could not spell well either, and was not computer literate, but was a great builder/tuner.

I dont know what to say to this other then he has a 9.1 Second Camaro thats a bracket racer and a 10.7 second cam only camaro…both he built himself

he obviously cant spell, but he knows how to build a car and thats all that matters.

mustand dynos can be fucked with to make the numbers higher or lower. Dynojets can not. i was dynoed on a Dynapak.

The fact that he has a 9.1 second camaro says nothing about his inability to spell, especially when talking to a customer.

Not saying he cant build/tune cars, just saying as a shop owner I would try to at least use spell check.

A common way to fuck with the numbers is to put the weather station near a heat source and AFAIK this can be done with a dynojet. I have seen in some of the Big Al youtube videos they have the weather station covered with a blanket next to a computer. Dyno it in 50 degree weather and apply correction for 80 degree temps and there ya go. The only dyno that cannot be fucked with is the MAHA dynos (same one the car makers use).

all my number from ICS are uncorrected i believe.

uncorrected numbers mean they are higher

thats completely false. my UNCORRECTED numbers were 346/344 while my SAE correction was 366/364 from moon on their mustang dyno. uncorrected means thats what your car made right then and there in those conditions… all a correction factor does is adjust for what it may make at sea level or at some other elevation or to be “bragging rights”. it makes what it makes. as ive been told for years. corrected numbers are bullshit.

Neither of you are right, it just depends on what you’re correcting for.

holy shit travis, maybe ur not worthless after all. :number1

corrections are gay. 346awhp fo lyfe son!

then it that case, I made 490 un corrected.


490 false hp that is.

its a crap shoot because say u get ur car dynoed on a 10 degree day, it would be higher than on a 100 degree day. this is what the correction is for. it makes it all even.