hood wrap for the camaro

got something started,

I need more zombies… Mark changed the color tint as a guess the match the SOM orange better. That looks pretty good, The 1st idea I had was for everything black and whie, with the only color being SOM in the sun rays, and the blood. But this is looking cool too.

And I need a pic of one/some zombie eating the brains of a bikini babe. Full body, no cut off legs of anything. I can’t find a pic to use, so looking for help ideas on that. Or if anyone whats to draw/make it for me :smiley:

I <3 Zombies.

hahaha should look good

The chicks need to look more vertical instead of face in the sand.

Definetly needs more zombie

Awesome…pure awesome!

lol nice!


A couple I found. Meh. :shrug:

This one made me LOL:


needs to have the legs, or coming out of water

Nice. Zombies and bitches. The perfect combo.



I would never put something on my car that looked like it was made in MS Paint.

haha, thanks

I have like 2 hour into this image so far, but it’s weird working with such a variety of images. The sunset was landscape image, so I had to use photoshop content aware scaling and some cloning techniques to make it a 64" x 60" square at 100 PPI. Obviously the girls and the zombies eating the body aren’t cut out yet, they were just roughed out for mockup, and they are not the right size proportions, but the idea is there now.

:picard: See above post.

Im not hating…just commenting on what would make it more awesome in final product than idea.

I think its awesome regardless

I know, I never thought you were hating :slight_smile:

BTW, the picture of katy and I:

Wait…hands of god creating zombies at sunset on a LS1 car…I think i just went on overload

just saw this lol. awesome!!!

