Hooters - January 20th

WHO: Everyone is invited
WHERE: Hooters in Monroeville
WHY: Becuase we kind of made it a tradition
WHEN: Friday January 20th, Hooters at 10pm

In the past few years we have met down at World of Wheels to check out the cars then headed out! Its definitely a great time, this probably is one of my favorite events in the past few years. This year we have to be good and no stickers all over Hooters…

Here is the gallery from the first year, http://www.pittspeed.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=34879

and now for a few candid pictures


IM there.

youre my ride^^^

im in




I hate my job. Id show, but I got work at 1130pm…


sounds like fun, maybe I’ll come.

looks like i am in…i might bring toss with me


not gonna be able to make it this year :frowning:

in w/o my long hair and mesh hat

hoot hoot! Chad who’s DD this year?! mwhahaha

your turn

hahaha… wow, is it that time already?

WOW sucks ass compared to the hooters meet and i def in…so if u don,t like me then don,t show yuppies! :boink

How much is the car show?


hey back off my ride!!!