Hostess out of business; 18,500 jobs to be lost

We need ALL kinds of jobs. That’s what’s wrong with this country, everyone thinks they must have a college, white collar, $90K+ a year job that they sit at a desk all day and don’t do shit. You need manufacturing jobs here. You need desk jobs. You need laborers.

Look at Hostess, you have another company that makes the plastic wrappers for the Twinkies, another makes the trays the cup cakes go in, another probably prints and makes the boxes, fleet maintenance on their trucks, all of that is now directly effected by this one company closing. And I’m sure this is one of many that will go under.

I see more and more of today’s youth with zero creativity. They all follow and copy. They see someone else’s success and feel they have to mimic it. But that’s beside the topic we’re on.