Shift Worthy News Story

Not adept at quoting and direct paraphrasing on the site. But it is both car related and ridiculous.

Perfect example of how unions are destroying America.

In 2010, more than a dozen Chrysler workers were caught on camera drinking and possibly smoking some sweet, sweet Mary Jane during a lunch break.

Naturally, they were fired, because that’s the sort of thing that you can’t really do at work outside of Amsterdam these days. Now those party boys are back on the job.

Once they were fired for the negligent behavior, they filed a grievance and entered arbitration. For some reason, the arbitrator gave them their jobs back. As you might expect, Chrysler sounds pissed:

While [Chrysler] does not agree with the ultimate decision of the arbitrator, we respect the grievance procedure process as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement and our relationship with the UAW.

It sounds like the way the case was handled, possibly the undercover news investigation, was what swayed the arbitrator. The UAW got a big win here.

Chrysler’s PR folks probably went over this with a fine-toothed comb to take out all the obscenities. America! Hard to believe Michigan is about to become a Right-to-Work State.

Normally I don’t even respond to your ignorant comments. As a working person, I guess I’ll have to comment on this.

If Unionism is at it’s lowest point since 1935, less than 10% of workers per this graph from the conservative Heritage Foundation:

How is it possible that Unions are destroying America?


Also a good question. The arbitrator told Chrysler they had to take them back. Not the labor union.

I consider them destroying America because due to the Unions’ strength, it is impossible to get rid of some employees who should no longer work for the company. It’s very apparent in teaching especially. UAW is just the tip of the iceberg. They protect the good AND the bad workers. In my opinion, unions have had their time and place.

Just one article of many.
How is it possible that Unions are destroying America?

The arbitrator is a neutral party, but their decision is not final, and chances are the lawyers for the “other guys” were representing them because they were being paid for by the UAW.
If there wasn’t a union, chances are these workers would still be unemployed for their actions.

I have to agree with Cossey on this I see this shit everyday. Case in point last week a guy who works in my building who is responsible for collecting scrap at the ESP was caught red handed taking valuable scrap putting it in his personal car and taking it to the port. while taking the lesser valued scrap and putting it in the dumpster. Evidence was found at the port and to my knowledge and co-workers he has only been suspended WITH pay. This isn’t the first time he’s been in trouble either. It’s unreal.

So Unions (Representing less than 10% of workers) are destroying the whole country, because SOME of those Unions, protect the tiny percentage of their workers that should be fired?

THAT’S what is destroying the country?

Why don’t you fucking fire yourself? You’re a drain on the system.

Perhaps I should have stated that they are contributing to the destroying, not the sole perpetrators.

Otherwise, yes. As someone who plans to have a family someday, the fact that public school teachers need to practically rape a child before getting fired, I have lost a lot of faith in our school system. Also the fact that union workers typically make more money than their non-unionized colleagues for doing the same work doesn’t really help my opinions of unions.

Sounds like someone has had their Cherrios pissed in.

A drain on the system? I am one of two people who work in the statewide vehicle auction program that generates millions of dollars FOR the state. While I don’t like my job much I still go to work everyday and do my job.

When people tell me that just because I’m in a labor union, that I’m the one of the causes of the destruction of America, it tends to rile me up.

I guess working 2500+ hours a year and making thousands of dollars for the company I work for, and paying probably the highest personal tax rate of about anyone around; just isn’t good enough to cut it.

No, you’re just doing your damn job. I highly doubt you’re paying higher taxes than “anyone around.”

I work around union people all over the country quite frequently. The majority seem to gloat about getting payed to screw around and be lazy fucks. A handful have been respectable workers but not enough. Some other guys I work with have horrible stories about guys drinking on the job and sleeping in closets, only to have management turn their back because of union rights.

Not saying ALL are bad but what I am saying is don’t cry when jobs go to mexico and china.

As in, I work a lot of overtime, and have nothing to write off because I am not married and I own no home.

Believe me many companies have useless workers that are impossible to fire. Unions or not.

In many big companies, unless HR is involved and you got a book of write-ups to throw at the employee they will continue to stay being unless.

Ive never had a job where they didn’t keep useless people everybody hated and complained about.

Often these people are promoted out to be gotten rid off, or highly recommended when they apply to another job just to get then out.

Have you ever worked a labor intensive job for low wages and tried to survive on that income?

Can’t say I have. So does that mean I can’t have an opinion on the subject?

What it means is that you’ve never had a job where you got fucked around by management for low wages… So you don’t understand how much it sucks not having any representation or defense at your job.