old school uaw guys

recently i was at a family gathering, and kind of struck up a conversaton based on the fact that i was driving my future father in laws 3 series. guy i was speaking with was in his early 70s and was president of the local uaw for a few years in the late 80s

“i had a pontiac vibe as a rental for a few weeks, it was ok. wont step foot in a toyota matrix though” same car, same plant, different badges? wtf

“we recently renegotiated our benefits, now we actually have to pay a bit out of pocket for our health insurance, never had to do that before”

“i toured the nummi plant in the late 80’s.” thats it. had nothing else at all to say about how it could have possibly saved a car company from getting a huge govt bail out, had they played their cards right

“they had the 3 strikes rule, they catch you showing up to work drunk or fail a random drug test 3 times and youre fired” 3 TIMES???

“i know guys that got fired for stopping the assembly line in the 80’s bc there was something wrong with what they were assembling”

“im driving that impala, its a rental” its built by canadians!!! GAAHHHHHHHHHH

:fu: :fu: :fu: :fu:

and everyone wonders why all of the decent blue collar jobs went overseas


just venting

Don’t get me started.

i deal with this everyday … i can go for days arguing about this … its not just the uaw … its ALL unions … another thing is that most PRO union guys have NEVER held a job outside of a union gig … and dont realize what work really is

I almost got in some shit with a union guy at work over the “outsourcing” issue. He was rambling about outsourcing and the stereo dying in his Toyota (way to buy foreign and not support your cohorts LOL) and not knowing he was a union rep I said “we have the unions to thank for that”. He flipped shit and it was kinda funny considering I had 2 large screwdrivers in my hands and could have skewered him. :stuck_out_tongue:

In the end I made him look like an ass because he thought I was some young punk with no clue about the economy and outsourcing. He thought I was in my 20’s and I was 34 at the time with almost 5 years stock market experience. He’s a typical union guy with no clue what the real world is like. BDR has it right…most union folks have a lifetime of union experience and 0 corporate experience. They are out of touch with reality thanks to an entitlement system. Take a union guy and put him in the corporate world, pop some popcorn and get ready for an amusing show. I’ve seen it before. :wink:

If you want to see what Unions can do, just drive along RTE 5 from Lake ave to downtown.

Unions are a really complicated issue. Over the years I’ve sat on both sides of the fence.

However, I feel that blue-collar workers have suffered enough in America. We shouldn’t blame the workers, we should blame the idiots that signed deals with the unions that gave them ridiculous benefits.

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There was a time for them. The time has passed. In 1900 “blue collar” people were living in tenement houses with multiple families to a room and eating out of garbage cans. In 2011 “blue collar” people live in the suburbs and drive Corvettes.

Unions are essentially a silent arm of the government IMO. The more you tamper the more damage you cause. Sure you can kick a can down the road quite some distance but eventually someone will discover the can has been empty all along. Wait, WUT?

not all the guys are bad, i deal with em everyday, but i have my own issues with the UAW that will never be worked out

I’m very anti-union, but I can still see their very limited place in the PRIVATE sector (there should never be any such thing as a public sector union).

The retail stores forcing people to give up their Thanksgiving so they can open at 10pm on Thanksgiving day is a great example. If the employees were more organized they could fight corporate BS like that.

Unfortunately the minute they got organized like that they’d demand a minimum wage job like a cashier be able to support a family of 4 with 2 cars and a house in the suburbs and full medical plus retirement.

You’re fucked either way.

If the UAW didn’t dig their heels in when Japanese cars starting kicking their ass things would be much different today. Now we are seeing the same thing with govt unions, TODAY over a trillion dollars is supposed to be cut but no one in Washington wants to change the fact that DC and surrounding areas are the highest paid in the country. Instead of just a shitty car company going under it will be the entire country.

c’mon firefighters and police protect your life, the least you can do is protect their pay…


Oh I know you do… my FIL deals with the same people… oh the stories I’ve heard from him… wow.

Reading that article on WGRZ this morning made me sick, especially the dismissive responses from the asshole union rep.

How can they even dismiss the facts here. Insanity.

Because they’re a public union who has the power to elect who ever they want, so they can flip the bird to the general public all they want. If a government finally grows a pair and takes some union power away they know the nationwide union brotherhood will organize and dump a bazillion dollars into the election like they did in Ohio and Wisconsin.


That was meant to be rhetorical. LOL :wink:
The unions are part of the government…a silent arm if you will. There can be no other explanation for what they get away with. Any other group would have been long gone.

Def #1stworldissues Moto. I’ve argued with people that think we are entitled and guaranteed electricity and running water because we’re American. We in reality aren’t guaranteed anything and while the loss of those items isn’t likely…it is possible.

This, exactly.

Unions had their place and still have their place. Whether it’s 1900 or 2100 people will always be greedy, so whether it’s corporations or the people working in it doesn’t really matter. I think there is a middle ground from working in dangerous conditions to banking overtime because you can and raking in a bloated salary. I agree with what JayS said about making people work 10pm on a thanksgiving that is bullshit, I’ve done it and it’s just wrong, all for the sake of profit…