unions :rolleyes:


“union urges bus driver and mechanics to strike… … The authority wants union workers to pay a portion of their health insurance. Workers want to keep the current coverage that does not require them to contribue… …Union Local 85 executive board unanimously approved holding a strike vote in two weeks and recommended the 2200 member union to approve the walk-out. …Port Authority drivers earn an average of $47,000 a year.”

all i gotta say is FUCK UNIONS>… i can’t stress this enough.

what the fuck? who WANTS to pay extra money for anything??? no one… but just because these poeple PAY union fees they swallow this bullshit from union reps… what a bunch of fuckin bullshit. here’s an idea… take that union fee and put it to healthcare payments monthly and GO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB.

no wonder pittsburgh’s in a fucking slump… i swear everything is fucking union these days… motherfuckers do less quality work, take longer to do it, and charge more for it… hummmmmmmmmm

who here gets free healthcare? who here gets free healthcare coverage for their family? …exactly. people without healthcare and a slight amount of ‘lucky’ people that get it wrapped up in their employment package, b ut i’m sure their salary reflects that.

nothing perpetuates complatency like unions (other than welfare).


fuck em.

i swear… i’m about to start showing up to town meeting and being that loud mouth asshole… because this is just fucking sickening.

I was gonna say, NO ONE gets “free” healthcare from their employer… cheap yes, free? NO… OMG, they might have to fork out $15/pay for health insurance… big fucking deal. When I first got insurance through my work I had to pay around $100/month for just myself, and I was only making $7/hr.

can be the guy that yells out “fuckin right man” when you are being a loud mouth?

i don’t pay anything for benefits :eek4dance

… i just sent my editorial to the trib… and flipped out at work twice already.

are you union?
what are 'benefits"

wht plan… where do you work?

you are a slim margin my man… and i’m sure your pay reflects this.

My job at AAA was $450 a month for healthcare alone, dental and vision was another $50/month.

my new job is $200 a month and i’m as happy as darkstar with a dick in his ass.

My brother in law is a port authority mechanic and even he thinks the union is fucked up.

fuck unions

jenn… don’t be fooled… a lot of people don’t pay healthcare… union fucks and government workers come to mind… others that dont would be like a public works type of person… and some companys foot the bill… but pay less salary because of it…

and some get ‘free healthcare’ until they try to use it… HMO this and co-pay that… but wait… my ‘free healthcare’ doesn’t cover surgical procedures? or ‘specialty’ procedures? or detmotogoly and other specified sciences? humm… i guess ‘free’ is relative.

i know i pay at least 80 a month in healthcare and another 10 in vision and i have a GOOD PLAN.

i’m just so sick of people complaining about paying for shit… cowboy up, what makes a union worker not have to pay when the kid that doesn’t want to sign up and pay union fees does? i don’t think that’s fair, as the job security it within the union worker already… i mean fuck… how do you fire a union employee? you dont

fucked up system… it’s all total bullshit.

I understand your bitch but please don’t put all unions into this category. I am a non-active member of local 9 Bricklayers, They asked us to pay for a portion of healthcare a few years back. The total was like $40 per month I would have no problem with that except it was going to “off-set” rising office costs. (pay raise for reps) We were close to strike when they came up with a better Idea. Our healthcare is funded by a few dollars an hour comming out of pay before taxes. The new idea had contractors add twenty cents to our wage we matched and put twenty cents and hour of our money before taxes. This ment we paid about $32 per month when we were working an we were covered durring lay-off.

anyway the paper said we were greedy and mony hungry. which was BS we allerady fund our HealthCare.

But all Unions aren’t the same so please don’t lump the good with the bad by saying Unions list the name and local number so we can bash the bad ones.

union - ya
benefits - medical, dental vision

–i have to get my wisdom teeth takin out friday. 50 deduct., 40 for anesthia (sp) work’ll pick up the rest

highmark and met-life


and how does my pay affect this???

that’s all you gotta say… please re-read what i said originally.

well if you notice i did state the local #

i’m not really one to lump things together… but i’ve persoanlyl dealt with 4 or 5 unions and ahve friends in others and i cannot say that any union is productive.

dude… you said yourself you’re union… ok… you said that 40 a month is ok but “except it was going to “off-set” rising office costs.” … ok so union reps and higher ups were trying to pocket money from this… big surprise… but no biggie

so you actually paid LESS than the original amount AND you are covered with healthcare during a layoff.

please name me one job where someone can get fired/layed off and still have healthcare? (out side of a severence agreement or healthcare stipulation, like finishing out fiscal month with coverage)

unions were created in the 20’s because of labor laws… by the time the 1950’s rolled around with labor laws and amendments… unions should of been taken out of the picture.

If a worker can not be fired because he/she is a member that is a sign of a poor union.
I worked with people who lasted a day and others with 10 years exp. they got the axe just the same. If you can’t cut it you won’t be around long. This does not mean you can’t work for a different contractor but there are only so many in the city.

i knock those motherfucker out tonight in class. Free of charge :smiley:

this should cement things:

i’m an aging hippy liberal douche, and even I think unions are way out of control. they’re destroying america’s ability to compete not only in the global market, but in america’s own market. GM and Ford have to cut corners AND raise prices just for a CHANCE at treading water, while Korean and Japanese companies rake in billions… all because of the ‘entitlements’ owed to our union workforce.

when someone as far left as me sides with big business, you know something is seriously fucked up with the unions.

i hear ya man…

but what about the CUSTOMER SERVICE aspect…

sure if a union worker can’t stay to task with what his higher ups say, then he’s fired… if Mr.electritian comes in to wire my 208 line… if he doesn’t do it or can’t, his boss fires him… if he does it… he keeps his job.

but what if I have something to complain about? like him taking over a week to come when he scheduled on a specific day? or not having the parts required and putting me off??? or if he hacked my distribution block for electric … and i complain to him… does it mtter? no… does his boss care? no… is he going to get fired? no.

not to mention for the job i got 175 and 185 dollar bids… union cost was 375… my building requires!!! me to hire union… so there i am FUCKED out of 200 bucks… FOR LESS QUALITY WORK>

unions rule within themselves… but unlike ANY OTHER INDUSTRY the customer has no quality of service check… it’s bullshit.

No argument with the $ thing.

We were starting to bid with non union companies for residential work when I left the trade. The only way we could get the jobs was to better serve the customer. (Faster, Cheper and better) The company now does 20-30% residential work. Sounds like the IBEW better wake up or go away.