unions :rolleyes:

i’m tellin ya man…

it’s no wonder the city of pittsburgh is a money pit…

Y does Billing require Union Can’t you get a non to bid it under PW.

labor union

An organization of wage earners formed for the purpose of serving the members’ interests with respect to wages and working conditions.

If motherfuckers are getting paid $47g’s to sit on their ass and drive a bus then complain about paying a few dollars for health insurance…I say STFU and pay the $50/month. But then we wouldn’t want the authority to desecrate your working conditions that consist of SITTING on your BIG FAT FUCKING ASSES! holy shit are motherfuckers lazy! No wonder this nations going down the drain, people are lazy as fuuuuuck and want everything for nothing! FUCK!

i think you’re asking me why i can’t hire non-union?

because my company, like all others in pittsburgh that rent space in ‘sky scrapers’, have to adhere to the maintenance policy of the building code of the county.

dude… i can’t even fucking run a network cable through the ceiling without having a union worker being paid $80 an hour to ‘oversee’ it.

I never said i was pro union, or that i support the one i’m in… point being, there is a time and place for a union. It’s all a power struggle between workers and the company. Your argument basically is that if those same port authority workers only made 25,000/yr then it would be ok for them to strike (not your words, but pretty much what it boils down to). So if it bothers you that you have to pay for benefits and what not, why don’t you go to a company that will pay your benefits.

It’s not a matter of being “lucky” to be in a position where your health care is covered, it’s a choice. Everyone here chooses what they want to do, or at least has the potential to choose. If someone chooses to work at burger king or chooses to start their own business and they don’t have health care supplied to them via a benefits package, so fuckin be it

so mother fucking lazy.

not lazy. “entitled”.

I’d like to see Henry Clay Frick come back from the grave and cockslap every one of these motherfuckers.

how does not wanting to pay for benefits or being a bus driver make you lazy, somebody gotta do it

i’d hate for your wheels not to get cleaned :stick:

unions blow. I am NOT in the union but work for a union company. Only benefit I get is the union holidays off…with pay. :dunno:

fshowcars in 2008! unions are legal socialism. both my grandfathers were local union, one was uniontowns teamster president for years, he knew hoffa. they’ve gotten fat and lazy and they need smacked down the way employers needed smacked down by them. $48,000 plus $6000 in free healthcare to drive a bus and the mutherfuckers still run someone down at least once a year!

i really hope you’re not starting an argument with me by putting words iin my mouth.

that being said… NO i didn’t relate their salary to free healthcare… you know why? because people that BUST THEIR ASS in my job, enting salary at 18k a year, still pay the healthcare costs I pay… because tha’ts reality.

no one should ASSUME FREE ANYTHIGN… that’s my problem… the fucking union is shooting down a 6% pay on medicare, which hasn’t even BEEN ASKED OF THEM YET! and they are already ready to walk off the job because of it… meanwhile dumbasses like myself pay > 30%

why don’t i go to a company that pays? because i don’t want to take a cut in salary to get ‘free’ healthcare… and i sure as fuck woudn’t go union…

that part i agree with. that’s the union mentality, “if we do all the work today, what’ll we do tomorrow?”

the american dream is to be a lazy fuck off…

reality is contrary.

yeah… lets half ass shit, charge more for it, cry like bitches when asked to cough up some of our own money, and bitch about it for years after.

go union

you want to know what seriously fires me up… the lazy fuck parking unoin worker that bitches at me and every other person that parks in my parking lot.

because in june 2005 i paid for his kids to eat
in august 2005 (post strike) i’m 'stealing food from his kids mouths"

fucking bleeding heart crybaby lazy fucking assholes.

not putting words in your mouth. and i’m not saying people should assume free anything, but when you start a job and the company gives you your benefits package, salary, raises, etc. and then 5 years down the line say “hang on a second, look how much money you’re making, give us some back” i don’t know about you, but i’d be like wtf, no.

I also realize that telecommunications is different from your field, but in my case, here’s an example. I know a few guys that work for comcast, who as a company is non-union, these people make $15/hour w/ 10+ years with the company. I am union, i started in january at the bottom pay rate b/c my work/school didn’t accredit me an increase, i make more than comcast guys, they also have to pay some health care costs and don’t have nearly the 401k matching program i have. So by being union, i make more and have full benefits.

don’t confuse them with “bleeding hearts”.

bleeding hearts are sympathetic to someone else’s plight… maybe overly so.

these fuckers only care about themselves. they aren’t striking to right a grave injustice against a persecuted people… they’re greedy assholes who are trying to advance not by achieving, but by threatening not to achieve.

i hope they get aids.

and have to pay 110% for their drug cocktails

and i don’t know what your union is like but ask yourself… am i overpaid or does comcast underpay?

$48,000 to drive a bus (which requires what? some lessons, i know schoolbus drivers only have to take some classes not goto school like you did) with free healthcare for a transit system that is ALWAYS LATE and routinely kills pedistrians… ??? i can pretty much say that they’re waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpaid hence fuck their union :tounge:

but dude… look at it REALISTICALLY- union workers are asked to pay a SMALL PERCENTAGE… 3- 6% of their healthcare fund… meanwhile, the rest of the workforce pays 35% if they’re lucky or ALL OF IT. are you ‘entitled’ to free healthcare? what do you feel your ‘entitled’ to? that’ the problem with unions… in REALITY there is no entitlement. what happened last year when i was asked to pay an extra 2% into healthcare? oh… nothing… because i wasn’t ASKED, i was TOLD that the rates INCREASED.

  1. but the comcast guys get a annual or bi-annual review… based on their performance they get pay raises, which give them incentives to work harder, better, and faster

you are GIVEN pay raises and NO reviews (and if you have internal reviews they hold no basis fiscally) … so you’re incentive to work harder is a joke…