unions :rolleyes:

Its a moral issue really.
Would you rather…
A)pay $50/month for health insurance or…
B)have the company you work for go out of business because of union insubordination resulting in failure to adjust to rising health care, enegry and fuel costs to keep the business running, in turn, leaving the city’s mass transportation system in shambles and all you and your union buddies shit out of a job…stuck pushing carts at Giant Eagle?

Would you ever work 20 feet in the air next to power lines which are known to “bleed” onto our lines for 10/hour? i wouldn’t. there’s a lot of horror stories about people in the field i’m in. They originally started the union due to the number of deaths and half assed safety procedures, it has a place, they’ve just gotten carried away with themselves

you CHOSE your job my man… no one forced you.

go work at burger king… some union guy suggested that to me.


you can’t die driving a bus, in fact everything else on the road BUT you can die. so while climbing poles justifies a union, getting 50gs to sit in a several thousand dollar recaro seat does not. :nono:

15 years with a company and 15 fuckin dollars an hour… what an incentive :ugh2:

did you not see the bus wreck on the buss way a few years back. plus, are you about to get on the homewood bus route. I think the union is being ridiculous but don’t down play the job of bus driver. I know how bad the kids were that road the pat bus after school.

lets all remember that no one is FORCED into a line of work

so that’s a moot point all together.

and i love my job, nobody did force me… but the pay justifies the risk, if it doesn’t go stick a big knife in an outlet and tell me you’ll do that for 6/hour
that’s a bit drastic, but you get the point

Understandable. I have so much respect for skilled tradesmen that work in hazardous conditions as stated…BUT you have these stupid motherfuckers out there that form these ‘unions’ in a sense trying to take advantage of the ‘union’ concept meanwhile they are driving busses, collecting tolls and parking lot fees!!! what the fuck??? Do they think noone would notice or take offense to it?

says who, comrade? the death squad came to me after nightfall and threatened to rape my sisters and drink all my vodka if i didn’t deliver pizzas.

i’m done… but think about it… yeah the risk involved with your job got you your money… the critical analysis and re-education of my job is what makes me my money.

now why exactly are you ‘entitled’ to free healthcare and mandatory pay raises and i’m not?


unoins are garbage.

why are parking lot attendance striking against a MANDATORY $1.50 RAISE, and paying 6% of healthcare… what is their risk… if htey don’t wake the fuck up they can get hit by a car… omg

and you’re right, i probably am overpayed and as the raises keep coming until i reach top rate, i’ll be even more overpayed, but would you ever tell an employer to keep this raise and that the fortune 10 company could use the money more than you

I understand your case better and would feel the same about unions if I delt with that shit.

My experience is from the other side. Good pay, Good benefits, Safe worksite.
but lazy was not part of that.

I better understand why other people feel like you do.

You have an informed opinion most people have no clue and bitch about stuff anyway.

i’m not entitled to it, but that was the hiring agreement, it was OFFERED. but don’t give me something that was signed in a contract and then tell me i have to give it back

only take what you need… only need what you take… this is the law of compensation of the proletariat…lol.

but in all honesty? paying less = less overhead = more money spent on new technoligies, hiring more workers, lowering prices, etc…

you are missing every point that is being made and then turning around and making up different arguements.

but heres’ another… you get a MANDATORY raise annually… if everyone in my job was unoin, and only had to do the minimum and we dind’t make as much profit, we DONT’ GET a raise.

agreed. i was just being the devil’s advocate

new technologies - check - i splice fiber optics which go directly to the customer’s home

hiring more workers - check - no copper employees were used in the fttp project, we’re all new hires

lowering prices - check - fiber to the prem internet prices are $14.95/month and the slowest speed is still 5x’s faster than cable internet… i currently pay like 45/month for comcast cable

and all this goes along with better pay, benefits, and better safety equiptment

i get free benefits… but you are right, my pay isnt exactly stunning.

also… read into benefits… .people lump words (i do too) and alot of these packages have different ‘rules’

i do not use an HMO (thank god) because i pay more willingly for that… i can get surgical and emergency without going throuhg hoops, being referred and NOT fronting the bill to be reimbursed. - just a slight example.

healthcare is whack… and supplying it free is even more whack.