fuck port authority workers


i hate unions

it’s one thing to not have new contract agreements and be mad… but if there is a preface stating that ones salary cannot be adjusted lower than what they’re currently being paid until after the contract agreement is met, then fuck greedy, lazy, asshole union fucks.

don’t stand at the parking lot and say shit at me when i’m driving into park… i pay $200 a month and i’m in a cheap parking lot… there are 7250+ parking spots downtown another 2000 in oakland / shadyside that they charge 200+ for.

such bullshit.


solution… goto the zoo, get monkeys, monkeys collect fees. fuck, why should you deserve more wages you sit on your ass all day long watching TV or listening to radio and make change. get’m sonny

whats fucked up is that THEY DON"T EVEN MAKE CHANGE!!!

all the port authority parking lots use those stupid ass machines and tickets… we don’t even need the motherfuckers. i despise cheap, greedy, lazy, assholes.

i wrote a letter and put it in my bill for next month.

they sit there and collect fucking money!! Theres no skill or health risks involved I’d say F them and buy more machines

this might sound awful but they need to get handicap people like wal-mart, home depot, shop&save, etc…
you ever notice that when your out shopping that the majority of the people that are polite & happy anymore are the handicapped people (downsyndrome, MS, etc…)

They are the ones who are happy to have jobs & be out working…its a shame to say but thats how it is…

mcDonalds in oakland used to have a blind guy working there & he was one of the nicest people in there.

+1 F the union workers who want to get paid $12.50 to sit and jerk it all day long…pay the handicapped the $8 and have someone that deserves it get paid.

everyone is ‘entitled’ they’re the last work group that are happy to work :dunno:??

oh shit… so now i’m fucking pissed.

i approached those union assholes on my lunch break, mainly because i was bored, but i really wnated to hear if they were being treated unfairly…

so the whiney / greedy /lazy asshole tells me that the port authority doens’t want to give them a big raise, wants them to start paying healthcare and wants them to do more work… so i’m like “humm… wonder if the parking authority is now taking haste on the workers now that the parkers ahve been truely fucked by paying the largest parking tax int he nation…”

so i go to the mananger that’s working today and he told me the TRUTH…

the teamster have rejected the following offers.

  1. 40 cents an hour wage increase over 3 years, from the MINIMIUM wage of 12.70 an hour to 13.10

  2. now, instead of the parking authority paying ALL of the workers healthcare, they were asked to contribute 10 percent of their premiums… you know, about 10 times less than the rest of us fucks that pay for healthcare.

  3. alco currently pays ALL of the workers healthcare for themselves AND their families… they have been asked to start paying 8% of costs

  4. workers were asked to do “light maintenance” like picking up garbage on the floors of the garage between peak parking hours…

figure these fucking lazy union workers work for 2 hours from 7am to 9am when the ‘rush’ is coming in to park… MEANWHILE there are automated ticket machines and automated cashiers… so WTF? and for the rest of the 6 hours a day they get paid to do fucking dick, they can’t go and sweep up some garbage.

i fucking hate lazy asshole union workers… what a total fucking waste… no wonder the parking authority is so fucked… they are paying for healthcare and WELFARE for these union workers and their families…

and the fucking bitch of it is… all the workers are snide, short answered, don’t-bother-me type assholes when you have to deal wtih them.

god i wish i could eliminate people like that.

i’m writing an editorial to the trib… fuck this shit

hay now… :squint:
