I hate some city workers/dept


wtf. I cant wait to leave

well, at least the issue is being addressed…and the public is made aware where their dollars are going.

“Mike Seaman, BMHA Chairman: “No, I really don’t think so. We have a $94,000 Executive Director that’s representing the BMHA. We need a safe, secure vehicle that she can go from development to development in storms, in the winter.”"

Well good, she can buy her own car like the rest of us all do with the money we make at work. It’s one thing if someone gets a company car when they are paid by a company.

But when it’s a public employee being paid by our tax dollars, it’s absurd.

ugg 94k a year, stupid bitch. I hate her just for that.

saw this on the news last night. If the lady makes $94K/year let her buy herself a new car, and pay her a stipend on how many miles she drives it for work related issues.


I kinda feel like shit wont happen. look at that shit with the cell phone usage last year. that shit has more than doubled this year. I am getting raped 100-120 a week for taxes out of my check but they can approve her for a 35k lincoln. She makes 94K a year but has a old ass suv. tell her to step her game up. pay her for a certain amount of miles or an incentive to get a newer vehicle.

they must have missed the sealed bids for the lexani spinner wheels for said suv.

i understand job perks, but jesus. get her a used small suv from a dealer for cheap. 90% of fwd cars are fine in the winter.

but seriously, she’s making easily more than double most people around, and can’t afford a decent car/truck of her own? disgusting.

thats sweet. But lets tax the Indians and create a mess because the State is out of money. emmmkay

If so, why can’t she even get a Trailblazer or Equinox. Or aren’t they safe enough for her to drive.

Remember, if they pay for the truck, I’m sure they are paying for the gas too.

Why buy her anything it clearly states… go to the impound and take your pick… there has got to be some sort of safe SUV (maybe even with RIMS and TINT) that was taken on a drug bust, and drive that!

If they do buy 1 of the 2 vehicles they are seeking bids on I’m sure someone will step up and vandalize it.


If they do buy 1 of the 2 vehicles they are seeking bids on I’m sure someone will step up and vandalize it.


I hope not. because it will be more public money used to fix it.

samething as any corparate buisness person they should be given a choice of vehicles. i know alot of place give u a list. u can have base model magnum fusion stuff like that and ur allowed to get snow tires. plus they have a warranty. she shouldnt be getting oversized gas guzzeling subv cause i gaurantee she gets a gas card. but 94k she might get payed mileage. but thats not taxable and i dont think would show in ur yearly income


I hope not. because it will be more public money used to fix it.


I agree but will probably happen anyway.

Guys, any executive is going to get perks.

94k may seem like alot of money to buffalo folk, but to the rest of the country, its a good salary, buts its not outrageous at all.

Could we save 20 grand by getting her into a new saturn VUE? Yes, sure.

Does she deserve to drive some old pimpmobile from the police lot? No… christ we have enough trouble keeping anyone here, why make it worse.

Does she need a SUV? Anywhere else in the US probably no. But a couple times during winter Buffalo looks like a demilitarized zone, so I think everybody needs a 4x4.


samething as any corparate buisness person they should be given a choice of vehicles.



As a public employee of a financially troubled area, she should not get any free new vehicle. She should buy a vehicle with her own money like the rest of us do.


Guys, any executive is going to get perks.

94k may seem like alot of money to buffalo folk, but to the rest of the country, its a good salary, buts its not outrageous at all.


Yet this pertains soley to Buffalo, so who gives a rats ass how 94k compares salary-wise to the rest of the country?