iPhone Fags/Haters

Not true, I know many IT Pros that prefer the iPhone. Sure you can make the argument on how locked down the phone is, no open source etc communists bla bla bla. Seriously though, having android for quite awhile now, aside from being able to customize the look without having to hack it, theres not one thing I couldent do on the iPhone I can do on Android. A lot of the shit you can do is more of a novelty and because I can more than, I do this because I need it.

Anything you NEED on the iPhone to use it for e-mail/calender and basic office tasks along with being your personal phone you can do with the OS, and do it quite well I might add. Sure you can say yea but if I wanted to do this on my phone I can, your phone you couldent even if youw anted to… Well you know what, after abotu 20 mins yous top giving a shit abotu the cool shit you can do on your phone that the iphone cant and you go back to using it as a tool and not a novelty device.

Having used all the major phone OS’s now pretty extensively a lot of this has become more clear to me now. I love my Android phone don’t get me wrong, but to be honest, I still say to this day the iPhone OS is a much more pleasent experiance, the fact that it couldn’t multi task bugged me sometimes, but for the most part that was few and far between. Everything else the phone does, is extremely smooth and easy without loosing functionality, and until another OS gets as smooth, iPhone will continue to dominate the masses. The reason apple dident allow multitasking in the first place is because well for exmaple look at the other smartphone OS’s, yes you can multiask and do it quite well, but if you don’t stay on top of things the phone slows down, gets sluggish and unpleasent. I have to autokill apps on my phone quite frequently when I’m using it even when OCed to 1.2GHZ because well, when you start opening a ton of shit and a ton of services are opened that dont close down on the spot, your shit slows down. People can bitch and complain about the iPhone not being able to multitask all they want, but I bet iPhone fags arent complaining about their phone slowing down every so often from to much shit open

Now the new multitasking isnt as robust as android/WM etc… but i bet it will still be smooth and hardly slow down the phone at all, apple does their homework, even the shit people see as a shortcomming , there was a reason behind why they dident do it. not just to be communist fucks.

IIRC Apple extended their contract with AT&T