iPhone Fags/Haters

It appears someone at Apple has lost a new iPhone test model out in the wild. Was skeptical at first but it’s legit, and theres no doubt about it this is the next gen iPhone. Whether or not they’re keeping the case I don’t know, I honestly hope they do, I think it looks much sexier and much more sturdy.

Anyways, love it or hate it Apples starting to listen to their more techy consumers when it comes to the OS and Hardware.

I will be looking forward to this big time!


i want

will buy

No Verizon no care.

Neg’d the OP

Love how people get so excited over a phone

Still behind Android IMO.

Hardware was never an issue for Apple. I have to agree that their phones do look nice and sleek. But their OS? Their OS is seriously limited/locked up STILL. It’s multi-tasking still isn’t on par with Android and WebOS. Say what you want, but I just don’t see it as being that improved. They only added it so they can say, “Well the iPhone multi-tasks now too!”

It seems like Apple will allow multitasking only in carefully defined and limited circumstances. Which is retarded and still makes them #2 overall (tied with Palm) in my book. This may be done in the name of improving the user experience, but it still accomplishes that by restricting what the user can do, something Android goes to great lengths to avoid.

I’m going to Android on June 6th and not looking back one bit.


Palms pretty much doomed now anyways, they’re hoping to get bought out as they’re headed for a black hole and they know it.

will buy if verizon. ive never had a nice phone, i want an iphone though. hot shit.

Thanks Paul

np chone

I don’t care bout Palm anymore. I hope someone buys them and uses bits of WebOS (cause it really IS a nice OS, it was just on a POS of phone - I’ve lost interest in my Pre). I’m going to HTC/Android and not looking back. HTC has always made nice phones from a hardware point of view, and Android is IMO the best OS. Coupled with Sprint which has good/great cell/customer service (in my experience) and the best pricing/bang for the buck…I win on every level for what I need/looking for.

HTC EVO 4G…can’t wait…June 6th can’t come fast enough. Pre-ordering in May.

Just kinda funny after you sitting here defending Palm talking about how it has awesome potential, and then slowly seeing its a POS and dropping it completely. Theres nothing special about WebOS, it’s done nothing new, just made a pretty simple looking interface in hopes of catching up, unfortunately it was to late in the game and never was and will never stand a chance in the top smartphone market.

iPhone and Android are at the top of the hill, and Windows Mobile is slowly catching up as well, although unfortunately I don’t belive WM will ever be up at the top either, not because it sucks but because well its a differeant breed of phone OS IMO. If WM simplifys it a bit and makes the phone more intuitive though I wouldent counter MS out…

The OS is fine. The issue is their two phones which suck hardware wise. I’ve been lucky for the first 9 months of ownership and didn’t have any issues (which is why I defended it). Now though, it’s starting to break down like crazy.

I’m sure HTC or Google could take some pieces of WebOS and implement them into Android or Sense. I haven’t yet played with an Android/Sense phone (I know you told me to check out the Eris) but does Android have universal search? That is one thing I use ALL THE TIME on my phone.

Palm has like 13 pages of patents from what I’ve read. I’m sure someone could put some of those to use on other platforms that maybe they weren’t able to mimic/copy without getting sued.

As far as WM…I hate that ‘home screen’ of theres (the squares). That crap is UGLY.

I’m not saying the OS sucks, I’m saying they were way to late in the game, they made the OS look pretty and intuitive, but lacked anything new and exciteing as far as smartphones go. They introdeuced some features way to late in the game in updates thus completely fucking themselves of any chance of trying to stay ahead of the smartphone game…

I’m not saying the OS sucks, im simply stateing that they were to late in introducing it to the market and doing anything that anyone would really say “oh wow I want that in my phone!”

Palm was to late, and now will never recover…

Yep. Oh well. Like I said, I don’t care cause I’m fricken PUMPED about the EVO. I can’t get rid of my Pre fast enough.

I know one thing. I hope the iPhone continues to be successful because it promotes competition, which will drive more and more innovation, etc.

looks like apple stole an HTC phone to me? w/e though, fuck apple, stupid commies.

not really. look at the prospective new iphone’s shape, then look at an older generation iPod. squared corners vs the rounded 3g/s iphone of recent times. seems they are just going back to their old form

I thought the exact same thing when I first saw the picture.

They’re going retro like every other company/organization out there today.

Sweet. Will buy.