Apple does it again! iPhone 5

Apple has done it again!! It has introduced another revolutionary product that will be industry-leading the day it comes out. I am very happy with all the upgrades and improvements of the iPhone 5 over the 4S.

  • The iPhone 5 includes a revolutionary A6 processor. Dual-core. Simply incredible. Now you’ll be able to open up and navigate to Settings to disable 4G/Data even faster than ever. The Samsung Galaxy S3 has dual-core, a direct blatant copy of Apple. Get a life, Samsung!

  • iPhone 5 has free voice navigation. Android has had this for quite some time, a blatant copy of iPhone 5’s features. Android is such a bad copy of Apple.

  • The iPhone 5 has 4G LTE connectivity. Simply ingenious!! All Android phones now have 4G LTE, a blatant copy of Apple. Android and Google need to stop copying Apple and develop their own ideas.

  • The iPhone 5 has the revolutionary Panorama camera feature. The Samsung Galaxy S3 also does this, a blatant copy of Apple. This will make taking pictures a snap. The ability to save near-infinite photos on 16GB (no microsd slot) will be amazing. Thank you, Apple!

  • The iPhone 5 comes with a revolutionary new connector - Lightning! It’s another sure-fire way for Apple and product-manufacturers to get more money from selling new products that support Lightning. Lightning is the name of the main character of Final Fantasy XIII, a blatant copy of iPhone 5’s connector. Square Enix, get a life! Apple should also sue God for patent-infringement - Apple created Lightning.

  • The iPhone 5 has a revolutionary 4" screen, but the phone is still the same width as the 4S. Simply breathtaking to look at. The LG G2X also has a 4" screen, a blatant copy of Apple. Get a life, LG. Stop copying Apple!!

  • The iPhone 5 has 640x1136 resolution, slightly less than Samsung’s Galaxy S3 1280x720, but Apple is still better because, let’s face it - they’re Apple.

These reasons and more, my friends, are the reasons why Apple is #1 and is the reason why the iPhone 5 will sell in record quantities. Long live Apple!! In the name of Steve Jobs, Amen!

I love how everyone gets all hyped up about it. Theyre fucking junk, i wonder if it has the same shitty glass as the other iphones that always crack.

I thought this was fo real until I got to the Final Fantasy part

I read recently a good description of iPhones.

When they first came out they were the Ferraris of the world, best, fastest, revolutionary.

Now they are the Camrys, sleek, basic, reliable, hassle free phone for the masses.


I have a good feeling I’m getting a droid and keeping my 3gs

have had 3 iphones, no cracked screens

very happy with my phone

I’ll stick with my iPhones.
Does everything I want a phone to do and more, good customer service at the local Apple store if any issues arrive.

Also never had a broken screen.

I’m trying to unload my 4S QUICK and jump on a Galaxy. i’ve had iPhones since 3g and its nothing but complete shit. it’s all about that apple bandwagon

Love my androids! Have the Bionic now

I love the iPhone. I told myself that I would never get one, but I did and do not regret it.
The 5 is going to switch its charging/sync interface to a new one called “Lightning?” I’ve read they will be selling adapter cables for like $30? Ouch. Why make your supporters pay dumb money for an interface used since 2003 and is incorporated on almost all electronics?

Edit: iTunes is gh*y though…

GoozemanZellin the iPhone salesman

i sell cellphones as my part time job. ill be sticking with my iphone.

The only Apple product I’ll ever own is their ipod. If they weren’t so proprietary, perhaps I’d buy another apple product.

i’ve had a blackberry. it sucked, no one had a good aftermarket for it other then for business type of things (which i understand is the point of the phone) just felt very clunky and hard to find a lot of support.

i’ve had a droid, and other then the first month of ownership, the system seem to run at a snails pace the entire time i had it, the battery life sucked, the internet was a pain in the ass, and it always felt like the only way to improve the phone noticeably was to hack the phone.

the iphone i look at as a Porsche 911. it’s not revolutionary, it’s evolutionary. The os is well thought out and completely rounded out, it has no major gaps in it’s function. The technology in the phone for the most part has been proven, and they arn’t coming out with some new super flashy system, just proven technology that they show time and time again to just work. from day 1 to day 100 to day 1,000 IT JUST WORKS!

The android people can keep there phones, i’m stuck to apple for the foreseeable future.


The user friendliness of the iPhone gives it more points than the competitors too. No point in having your Droid XTESLKX Type R JDM processor when you have to search through your phone to get to basic apps or functions. Not to mention other phones visual menu layout looks like complete shit.

I’ll take my proven iPhone 4S that has stainless steel and glass on the outside, over a plastic piece of shit. Build quality alone is well above others.

Fuck, look at Apples keyboards for computers, I could knock someone out with my iMacs keyboard. It’s made of metal. It doesn’t rattle like the shitty Dells do after 1 month of use.

I sense some sarcasm in the OP.

I’ve had an evo sence it was available. Big regrets. Things a terd. Between mine and my gfs we’ve had a few cracked screens, even taking care of them. They are slow and pieces of turds.

I look forward to my near future purchase of the iPhone 5.

I wasn’t a believer until I bought a ipad3 a month or two ago and now I have seen the light. Apple is all they are hyped up to be and more, fuck droids.

<-- galaxy 3s here. ~$200 vs ~$700+ for the apple phone

Only reason I’m typing this from an iPad is because I got it for free…

The prices of the phones are exactly the same if you’re not upgrading or are a new activation ($700). They’re also exactly the same ($200 for the 16GB) for upgrade/new activation.

Free!?!? Not much is free this day an age.

IPhone 5 16gb is said to be 199 with upgrade. I doubt the galaxy was any cheaper.

FUck me i trolled myself.

Did you actually read his whole post? ^